MovieChat Forums > Ultraviolet (2006) Discussion > What is it about this movie that brings ...

What is it about this movie that brings out such contempt?

I'm not saying it's good. It isn't, but it certainly isn't worse than any one of a dozen special effects movies that are unleashed on us now every year. Most of them have dumb, slim plots that leave room for lots of flashy effects, and it's always the good guys vs. the bad. And those other films don't seem to bother anybody.

I'm guessing that what upsets a lot of people is the sentimental angle, the motherly affection (love?) that Violet develops for Six. Maybe it bothers die-hard action fans that anyone would try to inject sentimentality into what normally would just be an ass-kicking action flick.


You might have a point, but most action movies have sentimental parts in it. I loathed it mainly because of the bad acting and even worse action scenes. Why do the badguys stand in a circle shooting bullets to the center? Why do they take brakes during swordfights while standing within swordreach of eachother?
This movie doesn't even have a dumb, slim plot. The main character just runs around with a boy that's a weapon, no wait, that's a cure, or a weapon again, or just magically knows the cure. That's just one of the many things that isn't logic in this movie: Eventhough the cure might be developed in the same lab, why would a labrat like Six know it? And why would he consider it important enough to learn it by heart if he doesn't even know about the disease?

The movie just fails as an action flick.


It doesnt need a plot for people to watch it because it is almost entirely a visual sensory dream to watch. Great looking movie.


I had contempt for the movie because the dialogue and acting was SO bad that I cringed.

And a lot of the scenes were laughably absurd. Example:

The retarded suit-wearing geek of a bad guy with nose plugs says "It is on!" right before the final sword fight . . .


I think it is because that a little more work could have made this movie really 3 to 4 points higher with some thought about plot and coaxing better performances out of the actors, and of course a little better editing/cutting. Maybe this was an experiment to see if pure eye candy imagery and a stunning heroine could make a successful movie.


It's not good, but I've seen worse. I felt like I was inside a video game. On that (very low) level, it served its purpose as a time killer. And Milla will never hurt your eyes. Maybe that's why I watched.



the only thing i didn't like was how Violet seems invincible/invulnerable. There are countless times she stands in the middle of gunfire and not get hurt.
Yes I know she's the main character.. but she's not supposed to be any more or less stronger than any other hemophage like her. So the should have added something in the movie to explain why she totally seems like in a class of her own.
the director should have used a little bit creativity in making her "invulnerability" seem more realistic like perhaps she could have at least used stealth a little bit more, or made some attempt to run/hide for cover a little bit more during the gunfire etc.. basically ANYTHING at all unlike in the movie where she just happens to stand there out in the open firing her machine guns.


Oh yeah, and I forgot about that stupid looking main villain.


It may have looked pretty but beneath the surface was nothing.
The acting was poor and the writing wasn't much better
It's a fairly forgettable film.

We can't kill another princess Ian. No-one has a song ready


no it just completly SUCKS and people are pissed that they wasted money on it.


It was not the fact that this was a mindless over-the-top all style and no substance movie that made it bad. There are a ton of movies like that, some of them actually pull it off, but not this one.

I think what made this one suck so bad was that it tried to insert things in there that just backfired big time. Like trying to add some emotion to the characters and the story, especially the scenes with Milla 'connecting' with the boy, those scenes fell flat becuz Milla can't act and the writers can write decent dialogue.
