Funniest part

By far the funniest part in this movie was when she goes to the building where her vampire homies hang out and the head honcho vampire tells her that the upper levels are controlled by the "Blood Chinois". Fair enough, she goes up there anyways and walks up to the head "Blood chinois guy" and tells him in his own language : "You're not from archministry, you're blood chinois!".

That doesn't make any sense, though. I thought the guy was chinese, not retarded. He looked like a middle aged man so he should probably already know he is chinese and a bloody chinese too! Besides if they control the top levels of that building and the vampires control the lower levels how the heck do the "blood chinois" get down and get food?


I got the impression in that scene, she was reminding them, essentially, "Hey, you're not PART of that other group downstairs, you're your OWN creed... so why are you doing that other group's business? Why are you letting THEM order you around? This is going to cost you..!"

Like sometimes wacky sci-fi continue-the-story projects?
