MovieChat Forums > Ultraviolet (2006) Discussion > Ultraviolet vs Aeon Flux vs Catwoman vs ...

Ultraviolet vs Aeon Flux vs Catwoman vs Elektra vs BloodRayne

Let's compare films where the main heroes are girls and very strong, smart, hot and beautiful in addition. This time I chose these 4 films. All of them were criticized by critics and fans. I personally love some of them very much. Here is my ranking:

1. Ultraviolet - 8.5/10

2. Elektra - 8/10

3. Aeon Flux - 6/10

4. BloodRayne - 5/10

5. Catwoman - 3/10

I'd like to know your opinion???


Of those I've seen:

Ultraviolet - 7/10 - Some of the visuals were stunning aswell as the fight scenes (the library fight scene with the "light" guns comes to mind. The real problem of the film (which was picked up by the critics) is the lack of depth (more explaining of the hemophlages/set up about the society, which is nearly always crucial in dystopian works). When you hear the film was literally butchered in editing by the studio this is no real surprise.

Elektra - 7.5/10 - I actually really enjoyed this, its not on my greatest films of all time list but if its on the TV I usually watch it. I liked the design of the villains (tattoo guy and poison lady).

Catwoman - 3.5/10 - Very very awful, wasn't the plot about killer-makeup for goodness sake? The only reason it gets a 3.5 and not a 3 is because it features some capoeira in the fight scenes (which is very rare in films and a stunning "martial art").

Keep meaning to watch Aeon Flux though.


They all suck. No way you can pay me to see them all over again.



If we're looking at just these five movies, I'd say:

1. Aeon Flux - 6.5/10. The closest on this list to being an actual good movie. I thought Aeon Flux gave us great production values, a pretty interesting story that turns out to have some nice twists, and some pretty good action scenes. It never truly enthralls and a lot of its ideas are meagerly explored, but it was pretty solidly entertaining on the whole.
2. BloodRayne - 4/10. The acting is bad, the writing is lame, and the action scenes are awkwardly staged, but it is amusingly bad.
3. Catwoman - 2/10. One of the worst superhero movies ever made.
4. Elektra - 2/10. Yet again, one of the worst superhero movies ever made. Just flat-out dull.
5. Ultraviolet - 0/10. One of the worst movies I've ever seen. The acting is terrible, the dialogue is just as bad, the action scenes are a total bore, and the special effects are embarrassingly awful.

Looking beyond this list, the actual best of the subgenre are Underworld and Underworld: Evolution (both 9/10) with Kate Beckinsale.


I did like Elektra. She got a real raw deal in the Daredevil film and IMO Elektra was much better. 7/10

The rest ... OMG!


Call me crazy
UV 8/10
Elektra 6/10
Aeon Flux 6/10
Catwomen 4/10
Bloodrayne I need to watch again

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING chioah boi compahed tu me ah chioah boi


Elektra 6/10
Ultraviolet 1/10


Elektra 6/10
Ultraviolet 1/10


Eeesh. Slim pickings. Just saw Elektra, Catwoman, and Aeon Flux. And out of those, Aeon Flux was the best as a 5/10.
