The Heartbreak Kid and Fun With Dick and Jane both have a sequence where the main character is mistaken for an immigrant and then has to sneak into the US.
Which did you like better? Which did you think was funnier?
the Mexicans in this movie where depicted as friendly, helpfull, openminded, as what they are: very nice and respectful human beings.
And yes, the scene itself was funny as hell "... could you just go on and drive away?" (or something similar).
HK was a huge crap (imho) and it showed a very racist stereotype of subhuman people that only steel from you, don't help, violate (well, hand the dick to the girl in the shower), and make "donkey shows". Very primitive to abuse from a whole and very rich culture with very good people just for a cuple of cheap laughs. And the scene itself was BS.
So, try to have some really deep contact with real Mexican people and you see what I mean. I've been living in that lovely country for years and I know quite a lot of good (and some bad) points about them.
uh i live right on the border of Mexico so i have plenty of contact with Mexicans. and just like any other race/nationality there are good ones and bad ones.
I personally liked Heartbreak Kid, just for the sheer lunacy. Ben Stiller gets on the train, helped up by some other mexixans, then all of a sudden BOOM, they beat the sh*t out of him and push him back off. So great.
This movie had me rolling - especially when they're driving off, and someone still manages to hop in/on an already over-flowing clown car. Hilarious the way it was done.