Like a good comedy should, this one has two readings.
On the first level, this scene gets stuck in our memory as a funny scene, and the majority of posters here prove that.
Your question brings us to the other level of the script... Did you notice that all the people being arrested in a number of police raids were victims like Dick and Jane, after they had committed minor crimes or misdemeanors? Meanwhile, the big bad wolf kept smoking cigars and talking nonchalantly to the reporters. Dick and Jane were not being arrested by the actual petty thefts they had done.
Dick Harris was being "indicted" by the media, citing vaguely a Prosecutor's office that should be inaccessible to the press - as a scapegoat for the bankruptcy of the company in which he had been Public Relations vice-president for a day, chosen for not being so bright.
At this level, the film writers are forcing us to reflect on Justice and Freedom of Information in the early 21st century.