
Ok, so the fog covering San Fransisco was so bad that all outgoing flights were cancelled, right?

So... Why did all the fog vanish after they left the airport? Clear skies at all the families' homes, even in the nighttime aerials of the city... Seems to me that flight woulda been rescheduled!

STUPID! Reason No. 128,977,429 that this movie sucked. :(


Fog doesn't have to cover a whole entire city. Their parents probably lived an hour or so each from the airport where there was no fog.

**Accio Harry's virginity!**


I live in SF and have flown out of the SF airport many times. The fog does get really bad right at the airport. If they didn't get caught by the TV cameras and they were really desperate they could have driven to either the San Jose airport or Sacramento. ( I would say Oakland but that airport gets a lot of fog too)


Yeah, that location was one of the worst they could picked to place the airport. There really should have been one in Marin county.
