MovieChat Forums > Four Christmases (2008) Discussion > Best scene in the whole movie...

Best scene in the whole movie...

The nativity play. I laughed non-stop.

Never had a drink that I didn't like; Got a taste of you, threw up all night






Brad's mother's boyfriend talking to Brad "I don't want to be your father, Brad, I want to be your friend."

"We were friends, Darryl. We grew up together, we rode bikes together, we used to smell each other's hands".



yeah, I liked that scene too. I just wish I hadn't seen it on the trailer, then I would have appreciated it more. That's what sucks about trailers - they sometimes give the best scenes/lines away.

Never had a drink that I didn't like; Got a taste of you, threw up all night


Except that milk doesn't come in until 3 days of nursing, so it was totally inaccurate. But still cute, considering it was a nod to the earlier gag.


But the colostrum does. Otherwise, the infant would be starved for its first 72 hours. I suppose you might complain about the color...


when Reese tells her snotty niece she peed on the "marker"


I laughed the hardest at the beginning when Vince and Reese are role-playing at the bar, and Reese walks away and Vince says "Bi***, I'm talking to you!" I'm not sure if it was his tone, or me not expecting him to say that, but I laughed so hard when I heard that. I also liked the Steve Wiebe cameo.


I have to say the best scene or one of the funniest scenes was when they were playing Taboo. Denver (Jon stole that and his wife were so funny. Sissy was hilarious when she was "buzzing" Vince even though he was trying to explain the game. I was laughing so hard....

I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and I was really surprised because our theatre was so packed. We (my party and I) arrived about 10 minutes before the movie began (saw the previews and everything) and still we couldn't sit in the bleachers part, but down towards the bottom. And it still kept on getting filled after we arrived. We saw it Saturday night by the way.

It was a funny movie, but that Taboo scene still stuck with was funny as heck.


"What man is a man who does not make the world better? ~ Balian


The role-play did it for me!!!

"Peace and love"


Incidentally, does anybody know what song it is when Pastor Phil walks into the church? It's really bugging me! >=(


My favorite part/line: "I came in here looking for a marker, and I'm not leaving until I get it back!" It was great when she started beating on those little kids.

Viva la Vie Boheme!!!


"Rock and Roll Pt. 2" by Gary Glitter. Once a sports staple, now heard less often after Gary was busted for having sex with underage kids in Vietnam a few years ago.


The reason you laughed at that scene is because you're a complete idiot.


When the kids were wrestling and they were like "Google me!"


When Reese was beating up those kids. Hilarious.





WHEN REESE BANGED THE BABY'S HEAD OFF THE DOOR! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Without a doubt, it made people laugh the hardest and longest at the viewing I was at.


Someone CLAPPED when that happened. It was funny, though.

It's not possible to have a mature conversation with a Dimwit. Everyone knows that. Except Dimwits.


When they were playing Taboo I was in fits!

When Denver's wife is like:You and me humping on a beach
And then Denvers like:Screensaver
LMAO that biut was the funniest part in the whole movie


I think the ENTIRE part of Denver and his wife playing Taboo- how they were so in sync was funny. The way he kind of slapped her on the cheek then was distrurbing/funny which made me laugh even more!


When babies spit up.
I also like how Vince got whenever they were on tv


When Vince says to his mom "Can you please not say tits?"

And when his mom and her boyfriend were playing taboo, talking about what they poured on each other...GOD I lmfao-ed at how embarassed Vince looked!

Pop. Six. Squish. Uh uh. Cicero. Lipschitz.


Bar scene was so unexpected. Also, try spelling "families" without "lies" in it scene.

Feminism is a Misandrist Cult. Feminist Misandrist Hate is The Emperor's New Clothes


when robert duval says he doesnt want to talk bad about your mother on christmas but she's nothing but a common street whore...

