wow, I could not disagree more with "aguiltysoul". maybe if you reversed the descriptions in your post, then we could agree. "legally blond" was a one-trick-pony. it has one joke that it repeats over and over. I didn't care for it much myself. that movie works because of the charm and charisma of reese and her character alone, imo. even if you don't like the movie, you like her, I mean how can you help it? to me "four Christmases" was full of charm and appeal. I thought Vince and reese had great chemistry and reese did not look tired, drawn or joyless to me, lol. "legally blond" was 10 years ago, why do people expect her, or anyone, to look the same? about the being drawn thing; in case anyone does not realize it, as we age(ALL of us) our metabolism slows and we tend to gain weight. even if we ate exactly the same amount of food, weight would creep its way on. since spot reduction is not possible, in order to keep weight off our ass, we have to keep it off everywhere. yes Reese's face looks a bit thinner, but I'm sure she is having to work harder to keep weight off than she did ten years ago. if her face was exactly the same in size as it was 10 years ago, her ass would be twice as big, you get my point? no, I'm not saying she is old, it's just that is a process of aging no matter how old you are. having said that I thought she looked great. funny no one mantions how much weight Vince had gained over the years. I think he's great but he has become tubby. I suppose if he dieted down to his weight in swingers people would call him "drawn", lol. anyway I found the film very funny and it's now on my holiday movie list.
"Your grandmother's boyfriend is a first-class ass sniffer! And you can tell him that I said so"