For all those here who keep bashing the movie saying it's the worst thing out there, come on - what was so bad about it? How was it worse than all these crap movies like Forgetting Sarah Marshall and garbage like that? It is SO much better than that trash.
Seriously, I want to know - why didn't you like it? And don't give me one line generic answers. Really state what you thought was wrong with it.
Never had a drink that I didn't like; Got a taste of you, threw up all night
Yeah, those "one line generic answers" are terrible, like calling a random film a "crap movie" with no explanation perhaps???
This film was alright, had some mildly amusing moments and a laugh or two, but it was ultimately forgettable. Witherspoon and Vaughn had ZERO chemistry, I wouldn't buy them as a couple in a million years, and their acting was very phoned in. The scenes with various families came and went way too fast, much like the ending which felt ridiculously tacked on. It felt like a knockoff of the Thanksgiving episode of Will and Grace where they had a set amount of time and nothing was really resolved at the end. It wasn't horrible, it just wasn't anything great or even good, just mostly mediocre. I shimmer, ELECTRIC, I'm a one-man-marching brownie band
Well, no, it's not the worst thing out there. It had a couple of brief nice moments, but 'Four Christmases' does suffer from a weak script with major premise problems and plot holes, poor direction, and more than anything else, missed opportunities from a potentially stellar cast.
I loved 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' and you thought it was garbage, so obviously we will likely disagree.
Turns out that my favorite thing about 'Four Christmases' was Peter Billingsley, the executive producer who also had the cameo as the airline ticket agent at the beginning of the movie. Billingsley had played little Ralphie in 'A Christmas Story' all those years ago, and it's kinda cool that he's showing up now in another Xmas flick, botched though it may be.
I gather that he's worked with Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau on several of their projects over the years.
Okay, so some things that bugged me...
Premise and plot hole problems - - Vince and Reese's problem with being 'caught' on live TV would never happen. TV stations would constantly be sued if they did that kind of thing without permission.
But assuming we allow that, AND that all four parents were watching the same news program at the same time, if their families could accept (if not believe) their absurd lies about missing Xmas again, they'd certainly buy any further lies about finding another flight or any other reason they'd give for still not making an appearance. They could have stayed a day at the crappy airport Radisson, gone back to their SF apartment, anything they wanted, and surely could have found an easy excuse.
As a bay area resident, I had trifling problems with the usual errors in geography that many films commit. Not a big deal, unless you know the area. Heading from San Francisco to the airport, they'd never find themselves on the Golden Gate Bridge, but most of the world wouldn't know that. The various shots filmed near the bridge as they drive along the Marin headlands are another one, you'd never, ever drive that way and wind up at any of the parent's houses you saw in the movie. And frankly, I'm not sure if you could hit all the different types of locations they drove to in one day. I can let all those go, as it's just one local's axe to grind.
Oh, but another 'local' aspect was how very few ways any of the families felt like SF bay area families, like, AT ALL. Sissy Spacek's house seemed fairly spot on, but...
Overall though, I came away from the movie feeling like the filmmakers either never came up with a fully serviceable script, or didn't have the conviction to stick with what they had.
Scenes were uneven. Some went on a little too long, some not long enough, and it was clear that there were many things that got edited out. You wait, I'll bet that the DVD edition of this will be loaded with alternate takes and unseen footage.
Just look at all the little pieces of business that were used in the TV ads and previews but were NOT used in the movie itself! What's up with that?
- - And then the cast. So many great names in small parts, and so many of them given so little to do with so little exposition. Jon Voight got short-changed. Same with Dwight Yoakam as 'Pastor Phil'. Other than his scene on stage, did he ever get any actual dialogue with Mary Steenburgen, or did I blink? And hello - - Carol Kane in an uncredited appearance as one of the 'cougar' aunts?? Uncredited perhaps, because all of her lines were cut out? Too weird. Why would you possibly want to cast Carol Kane in a movie as an annoying aunt and not have her speak? And if you cut her part down to the point that she has no lines, you need to go back and re-shoot the scene without her in it. Ridiculous. Bad enough that Colleen Camp was in those same scenes with nothing to do but take up space.
Vince was Vince doing what Vince does but nothing more, and I wish that had been enough. From my perspective, Reese was just about as wooden and she's been in everything I've seen of hers since since 'Freeway' and 'Election'. Not terrible, but...
It also strikes me that this really wasn't a 'Christmas' movie. It took as a given that people have anxieties and baggage in dealing with their families. It set that against an Xmas backdrop, but it missed so many opportunities to play off the particular flavors of Christmas-related horrors. In the office party scene at the beginning, Cedric Yarbrough and Brian Baumgartner listed some that we could all kind of relate to, but many of the trials that Vince and Reese faced had very little actual relation to the holidays. Kind of 'Hollywood shorthand', maybe? A little sloppy, in my opinion.
- - Like, by tacking Christmas onto a slightly flat dysfunctional family comedy it added a layer of 'holiday product' marketability. Speaking of which, I've seen ad placement for the soundtrack album. I thought the soundtrack was pretty flat too, and they didn't even toss a bone to cast members Tim McGraw and Dwight Yoakam by giving them a track to sell.
Ooh, and ick, that tedious overbearing formula background score was pissing me off, too...
- - Okay, I've gone on WAY too long. But I didn't give you one-line generic answers.
What a great breakdown of why you didn't like it...I don't agree with everything you said, but I appreciate your throughtful answer.
I do have a question about when you said: "Heading from San Francisco to the airport, they'd never find themselves on the Golden Gate Bridge"
Why is that? Couldn't that depend on where they actually lived? Maybe they lived on the other side of the bridge? (I've been to San Fran a couple of times as a tourist, but am in no way an expert on the area.)
Also when you said, "The various shots filmed near the bridge as they drive along the Marin headlands are another one, you'd never, ever drive that way and wind up at any of the parent's houses you saw in the movie."
How do you know that?
I just thought those were interesting statements you made about the geography flaws.
Never had a drink that I didn't like; Got a taste of you, threw up all night
"If you are heading from San Francisco across the Golden Gate Bridge then you are heading toward Sausalito and into Marin. The airport is in the exact opposite direction. The Marin Headlands is a park. It is one of the last large open spaces in the Bay Area. You can access it from the Sausalito area."
Sorry, I'm still confused. What if they were crossing the bridge from the other direction to go to the airport? You say "If you are heading from San Francisco across the Golden Gate Bridge then you are heading toward Sausalito and into Marin. The airport is in the exact opposite direction."
What if they were coming from Sausalito or Marin - wouldn't they then cross the bridge to get to the airport??
Never had a drink that I didn't like; Got a taste of you, threw up all night
Yes, except that they weren't coming from Marin County.
We see them leave their apartment in SF for the airport, we see their car on what are clearly San Francisco streets filmed on location in San Francisco.
There are no locations in Marin that could be confused for those streets, no urban landscapes that look like that.
ALSO, the camera places them at the north end of the bridge, travelling north, AWAY from SF. Wrong way.
It's no big deal, it happens in movies all the time. Mostly because it's a picturesque area, and it doesn't really matter, ultimately.
Many local residents could tell you of major motion pictures filmed in the area that result in similar curious 'You can't get there from here' lapses in geography. Like literally: you cannot get there via that route. It gets to be like a game. I'm sure it's the same for folks in other parts of the world.
Let's see, other similar SF bay area errors...
Top of my head, try:
Foul Play, The Graduate, that '70s remake of Invasion of The Body Snatchers, Woody Allen in Play It Again Sam, Star Trek IV, and that '90s Tom Berenger flick, Shattered, where he's the amnesiac with a mystery to solve...
Clint Eastwood himself has remarked on the geographical impossibilities in the Dirty Harry movie. Especially where the kidnapper makes him run all over SF to different payphones to make sure he isnt followed. The real locations would mean he ran nine miles in twelve minutes.
My wife and I enjoyed this movie and I gave it a 9. Both of us saw examples of our family members or friends' family members in it. If you have ever had two Thanksgivings, or two or three Christmases you will really get even more laughs out of this movie.
Also for those of you who don't think this can happen, our record is four Christmases! (Our home, then over to my wife's parents' home, then my brother-in-law's home and then my parents' home. Yes, FOUR cities in ONE day!)
Every Christmas movie I've ever seen has been about family (excepting 'Bad Santa' which shouldn't even call itself a Christmas movie). This movie was about nothing BUT family - escaping from family, being forced to face family, families reconciling, the influence families exert over us, wanting a family... I think it is one of the better Christmas movies i've seen. 'Die Hard' - it's another Christmas movie - about family.
Like so many newer Christmas films today, this one seems to be more of a farce, mockery of how awful Christmas is/can be rather than a celebration of the holiday. Hollywood seems to revel in these superficial stories instead of digging deeper and asking more of its writers, directors, producers, create something more meaningful, heartwarming,and lasting in the audience's mind. Let's face it, this movie is a lame and weak attempt to insinuate a Christmas story on its audience and most of us recognize the lack of true sentiment behind it.
This movie is basically a confused mess, that includes no 'real' characters at all and has no more than a handful of funny lines. Vaughn and Witherspoon have absolutely no chemistry and isnt anyone else getting a little tired of Vince Vaughn? They drift from one family to another, where nothing funny ever happens. The part where everyone is falling over and the house is falling apart when their attempting to fix the satellite dish is pitiful. Slapstick done well is hilarious, here it is just embarrasing. The ultimate fighting nonsense is also a complete joke. All the families are just irritating and not funny, with maybe the exception of John Voight's character, seemingly the only 'normal' guy in this movie. The nativity scene is excrutiatingly dire, presumably in there to pad this drivel out to 80 minutes. To top of this train wreck of a movie it changes its mind for about the last 10 minutes and tries to be all sentimental and soppy. Either be the mean spirited comedy you've been doing the whole time or not change now! We never believed in their relationship anway, so it's impossible to care. We end with a baby, for the second time, projectile vomiting over Reese Witherspoon. Oh the hilarity.
Who the heck cares why some insignificant anonymous geek sitting at their computer likes or dislikes a movie? Not everyone agrees. Its not worth getting all bent out of shape because someone doesn't like a movie that you like.
personally, i didnt like or dislike it. its a movie to watch during the christmas season, because its a christmas movie. a time filler pretty much. i'll watch it with my family, but i wont laugh with it or play it 3 times in a row. and i definately will not watch it during the rest of the year. but its a movie.
Nothing like a nighttime stroll to give you ideas. ~ MAD-EYE FOREVER!!!!
The movie is way better then people are saying. I think I gave it a 7. Forgetting Sarah Marshall is acually better. And Bad Santa is better then both and prob like a 8 or 9.
It didn't completely suck, not gonna lie I definitely laughed really hard in some parts of the movie esp the nativity scene, but there were a lot of flaws in the filmmaking that definitely left me disappointed. The development of the overall plotline and story seemed rushed, so much so that you didn't really feel the chemistry in the characters at all. It seems the writers decided to highlight the flaws within all the families rather than develop the relationship between Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn. The ending was extremely rushed and too easy for them to get back together (which left me thinking, "what?? that's it???"). The time between each family was way out of proportion, I mean yes it was expected that you probably didn't get equal timing with all the parents, but it was a little extreme when half the movie was spent at the Kate's mother's house while you only spent about 10 min at the Dad's house. The editing was a little off, as mentioned by others in this thread. The edits didn't time the movie well and it seemed that random shots were put in there for no use. OVERALL, the acting saved the movie from being a total disaster, but definitely was expecting much better especially with the heavy list of cast members.
I think i'm starting to understand why people didn't like this. they were looking for a different movie. I see posts about "warmth" and christmas spirit and all that. well this is not a frank capra film. and if you are nitpicking plot holes in a comedy you are reading waaaayy too much into it. this was a comedy, that's it. if you didn't find it funny, well hey, not everyone thinks every joke is funny. one man's junk is another mans treasure. whatever blows your skirt up, etc. I thought it was hilarious and even though it wasn't "warm and fuzzy" with christmas, it still had a nice message at the end about the importance of love and family. I understand some people hated it, of course that is how it is with eveything. I hated "hairspray" but a lot of people loved that. if you havn't seen this yet and like to laugh, I say give it a chance. I almost didn't see it BECAUSE I thought it was a romantic-warm-and-fuzzy-love-conquers-all-holiday movie that we have seen a million times. what did people want here, another kate hudson movie? for the record "bad santa" is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen in no small thanks to billy bob thornton. I enjoyed "forgetting sarah marshall" as well...except for that one part, lol
"everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"