Where the heck is Michael???

OK,I read the books and saw the first movie. I was thinking about going to see this when I noticed something. No Michael. In the first 3 books, Mia is obssessing over Michael. Does he make a gallant rescue or not ??


I was wondering the same thing myself, I love Michael's charater..in the movie and the books I read. I didn't read past the 2nd book though?..who does she end up w/ in the books?


Read the 3rd book, everything smoothes out. It's pretty good, and if you like the lists Lily and Mia make there is one really good list involving hot movie characters.


The actor who played Michael dropped out.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.


I think I've read all the books, and after seeing the second movie, I don't see much relation except the characters and some ideas. But I thought that at the beginning of the movie Mia said something about splitting from Michael and now they're just friends?


Yeah, at the very beginning of the second one she says they're just friends and he's touring the country with his band, which he probably was because that was his actual band (I think it was the real band members) in the first movie, just not the real name. He's in a band called Rooney. They're awesome. That's probably why he's not in the second movie.


but Mia and Michael look so good together..... :{

Purple is a stud muffin.


I know, they did too. :( And he was so cute how he was all into her and nervous around her.


Since I love Robert Schwartzman and his band, I'm really happy he isn't in this movie. It was awful!
