What about Michael!?

I haven't watched this movie yet, but I saw the preview and I have it on my Netflix list, and I'm wondering...
What happened to Michael!??? Don't tell me she ditched him? He was like the best character in the first one! I don't mind if you reply to this with spoilers, that's what I'm looking for, just please don't tell me she doesn't marry Michael!


Michael does not appear in this film. It is evident if you look at the cast list. Though I agree, Michael totally floated my boat. ((^_^))


I had this same reaction when I first saw this movie. Especially if you folow the books and know the movies go far from the written works. Robert Schwartzman (Micheal) doesn't appear in this movie. Though Princess Mia's character gives a brief explanation as to why he's not in the movie at the very beginning.


What's funny is that the reason she gives for him not being around anymore (he's touring with his band) is the real reason he's not in the movie. Between the two movies, Robert Schwartzman decided to stop acting to focus on his band (Rooney) full-time.


It is too bad that Robert Schwartzman didn't return, since I never knew that his character Michael and him were touring on band which explains Michael's absence from the 2nd film. I know that Robert's tour with his band at the time when the sequel was being filmed conflicted and he wasn't able to return.


I was so sad when I found out he was not in this movie. the guy who played him is so hot.
