MovieChat Forums > Elizabethtown (2005) Discussion > Words can't express how much I HATED thi...

Words can't express how much I HATED this movie

I saw it for the first time as an inflight movie and caught a few minutes of it this weekend. I can't get over just how bad this movie is. Everything about it from the script to the casting to the ridiculous scenes with Susan Sarandon. I was secretly hoping that the movie would end up in a bloodbath.


one would think Drew would be more emotional when viewing his father's dead body.


I love this movie and the ending of it is just brilliant, it's my favorite movie-ending!


Especially with the music selection. It was really inspiring hearing U2's "In The Name Of Love" for Martin Luther King Jr.'s piece.

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'. That's goddamn right. - Red, "The Shawshank Redemption"


U2 is the worst band ever. I would rather listen to emo and country for 3 days strait than here one U2 song. Terrible Crappy Band, I guess they were the perfect choice for this terrible crappy movie.

Evolution is a fact, not a theory. - Carl Sagan


Blood Raven

Absolutely agree with you. I love Orlando Bloom but he was totally miscast. Why did he accept this role anyway? Why did they make this film anyway?
I watched like 20 minutes or so and then I just couldn't stand it anymore, despite Orly's great looks. And that means a lot coming out of my mouth because I'd watch Orlando reading a telephonebook! And what with the American accent? Horrible.
Utterly boring this flick.


haha his accent is quite off, but i thought he did great in the film, i liked how they casted him and i love how he play off his character within this movie. I agree with whoever posted the best ending scene ever! i remember nearly dozing off the first quarter of the film until the journey started...but then when i saw the movie the second time, i realize how great of a movie it is, and how it was greatly casted. Claire is undeniably charming, and Drew is well acted, i love Susan Sarandon speech on her dead husband, and like all Crowes film, the music was great....maybe it depends on who watches it, but Elizabeth definitely have my cup of tea...and how can u not love the map...the kodak click and that drunk guy going Life and Death right next door to each other

if you never lie, then you dont have to remember anything- Mark Twain


This horrid, huggy pipedream is nothing more than a love letter to white people, in charming little towns full of cutesy characters that don't (and shouldn't) really exist. There were so many idiotic scenes. Yes, Susan Sarandon's often mentioned scenes were abominable, like fixing the car and doing stand-up comedy at her hsband's funeral. The scene where Bloom is driving into town and everybody is smiling and waving him in and holding signs made me wish Cameron Crowe'd had a murderous (and competent) stalker. The scene where he was on the phone with 3 women at once made me want to throw my boot at the screen. The scene where he is looking at a dead body and muttering the word "whimsical" in joyful awe was like a metaphor for Cameron Crowe looking at the finished product of this movie, which is like a dead object, and gleefully patting himself on the back. I call BS on Cameron Crowe, and would sail this disc off my balcony if it weren't a rental.


I started off a little put off by this movie, then when Kirsten Dunst appeared I started to warm up... then when he landed in Louisville I really began to like it (even thought that was not Louisville International Airport.) The landmarks, along with the music selection made it feel warm and familiar. I live in Louisville and have family in E-Town, so I know the settings well. The little touches made me appreciate the movie even more... like the Kentucky Derby Festival glasses in the kitchen cabinet, and the Ear X-tacy bumper sticker on the wall.

That said, I had to turn the movie off at almost exactly 1 hr 25 minutes in. The post-coital conversation between Orlando and Kirsten outside The Brown was so ridiculous that I couldn't get past it. I didn't care to finish the film after that cringe-inducing scene. The little flaws I had ignored up to that point, but suspension of disbelief only goes so far.



What the hell is wrong with you people and your opinion on how unrealistic the movie is. ITS A MOVIE...ITS CALLED FICTION. Want something realistic watch yourself a documentary. The essence of a movie is how it can bend reality in order to create a diferent order of things...of feelings. And this movie quite pulled it off. Give it a 10.

Do you go and watch superman thinking "gosh i hope this movie is realistic"

here's a tip...empty your mind once your seated at a movies. Do not create any expectations and aprecciate the product for what it really is...wherever it is realistic or not.



What were you waiting for ? A documentary did not have to watch it till the end. If you wished you could leave the theater or turn off the player.. This is a movie if you liked it , you appreciate it , otherwise you can criticize but not that ruthless.


The movie is very cute and I don't think its supposed to be like a documentary, I mean what are the chances of a widow doing a tap dance or a bird catching fire or someone throwing their Dad's ashes at dinosaur world... I mean its just a feel good movie and has some funny moments.


You probably are not from Kentucky so you didn't understand what this movie was about.
