a daft punk song i'm trying to find
Okay, i need ur help you daft punk nerds...
now tell me, there's this song which is kinda romantic & has such good lyrics, but kinda sounds like "one more time" but isn't ofcourse. anyways, what is the song title of that song or which album does it come from...i keep hearing it on the radio today but i don't think it's on the "human after all" cd. The song only contains the chorus "I don't know what to do without u babe, don't know what to do...ur just the onli thing i'll ever need"...something like that. Anyways, if you daft club nerds out there know what that song is called, please juz reply with the song title, who knows, it might not even be daft...could be stardust...nah, it's daft!