Did Baryl remind anyone else of.....

....Ringo Starr? My boyfriend has this on his laptop and after I'd watched the drummer for a few minutes, I thought "He looks like Ringo".

That's cool. I had such a crush on Ringo when I was thirteen (which is pretty weird since I'm 22 now....no, I wasn't even alive in the 60's! :P).

I have a question about his name, though. Was Baryl his real name, or did the evil dude name him that (or the record company)?



Hmm, I didn't think that. I thought the lead guitarist looked like John Lennon when he was all humanfied, though.

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."-Kurt Cobain


his real name was Arpeguis and i know this cause of the IMDB trivia questions thing


Hold on, hold on people.

We all seem to be getting a little confused here. It says briefly in the movie what their human names are. I am not really sure if that is their real name, or something made up.

This all flashed on the screen in a matter of five seconds in the movie about 20 minutes into it.

The girl:
Age: 24
Birthplace: Memphis
Loves: Fashion, Shopping, Rodeo
Hates: Animal Hunting

The leader singer:
Age: 27
Birthplace: London
Loves: Jet Ski, Gourmet Cooking
Hates: Golden Boys

The dude on the drums:
Age: 20
Birthplace: Munich
Loves: Boxing, Beer, Horror Movies
Hates: Ice Skating

The black guy who's the pianist:
Age: 32
Birthplace: Brooklyn
Loves: Dancing, Chess, DJ
Hates: Injustice

That's what I saw, and I'm not sure if they changed his name or not, I assume not, since those are pretty weird names to begin with.


Arpegius is not the lead singer. Octave is the one that does all the singing.


You're right, my mistake!


My boyfriend thinks Stella's hot, lol.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"



well she is :P

She reminds me some of Lisa Hayes from the old anime Robotech.
