Some Questions Need Serious Answering...
I got this about a month ago because I remember seeing some of the videos on Toonami about the time Discovery came out. I only got to see up to Harder Better Faster Stronger. The thing I am trying to figure out is:
1) Did the Earl de Darkwood find the secret to long life through the aliens music? Is that why he killed them all?
2) Did he capture their souls in the records or something? What was that thing him and his robot followers were chanting to?
3) What significance did the number 5555 have to do with the aliens? Was that the number he needed to have sacrificed in order to conquer the universe?
4) Did he turn into an alien at the end, or was it just his evil aura that tried to kill the Cresecendolls?
5) Were Shep and Stella hooked up, or did he just have a massive crush?
6) Was it an alien ship that was responsible for the death of the Earl de Darkwood's parents?
7) Are Stella and Arpegius brother and sister? In the beginning, they both have the same color hair...
8) And how did I know that they were gonna make the alien with the fluffy afro the black dude? Tuxedo shirt and all?
I dunno, guys... Can someone help me out with the answers because I have been wrackin' my brain for a freakin' month.
"I just killed my best friend!
And your worst enemy.
Same difference!"