Where can I get the DVD?

I'm a new fan of Daft Punk, and I just heard about this movie recently. It sounds awesome, but I have no idea where I can get it. Is there anyplace I could look without having to buy it off of Amazon or Ebay or something? I really want this film. Thanks!




See the "Can anyone pleeaaaase help me..." thread---


Either get it illegaly at thepiratebay.org or mininova.org or maybe even datorrents.com or get a bestbuy gift card and get it off the internet (That's what I did.)



I just found it at Best Buy today. In the actual store. I've been looking for it for months. I'm pretty happy. Limited Edition too, and it included Daft Club as well. Yahoo.


i also would like to know where i can get the movie! i saw all the video's and i love them but i want to know how it ends!
please help me!
and it would be a great help if someone knew where i can buy it in europe!
