This confuses me... (possible spoilers)

I'm just wondering, maybe I missed it or something, but how come the crystal thing Shep gave them, works with The Earl of Darkwood's stuff (directions to his house, opening his door)?
I've watched the movie twice and can't figure it out really >.<

Also, besides that, the movie rocks X3


That will never be answered.


From what I think occurs is Shep crash landed near that place. Before he goes to rescue everybody he discovers the castle and is able to make a key to the place. This is all my theory so don't take it as the definite answer.


Didn't the evil manager drop/lose the "key" in the scene where he takes Stella to the fashion show and the designer gives her a new dress to try on?

The manager doesn't notice that he dropped it, but she sees it & stores it in a safe place =)

Everytime something like that happens,an evil wizard did it!-Xena on "the Simpsons"


I think there's no official answer to that question, but here's my theory if your interested. The first time the band is given this prisma-like artifact, it turns into little puppets of themselves playing (in SOMETHING ABOUT US). Later in the film, it is seen to give them instructions on how to get to Earl's castle, opening doors and even deflecting bullets (all of this in VERIDIS QUO). My thoughts on this is that this prisma (of alien nature, after all) responds to the band's immediate needs. They see the puppets because they needed to remember who they were. They get instructions to Darkwood Manor because they needed to get there, the same with closed doors they needed to open. And Baryl obviously needed to survive that gun shot, so the prisma thing deflected it. So, in short, it's a gift of power Shep leaves them so they can return home. The creators never lead us to believe Shep was there before and made a key, there's nothing there to make us believe that, he's on planet Earth to save them and that's it. I hope this is useful for some of you.
