Whitey & Brooke

Never have I watched a show where the characters' voices bothered me so much, and it wasn't just one, but two characters. God, they were annoying. Brooke whispered everything, and the more emotional she got, the quieter she got. Whitey's voice was just weird. I don't know how to describe it. Probably it's just how ridiculously nasal it is.


I dont see anything wrong with either voices. I guess its just what someone likes or doesnt.


I get that about Whitey, but I don't see how everyone isn't annoyed by Brooke's whispering! Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with the character. It's just that she whispers everything she says, and the more emotional she's being (usually with Lucas), or the more dramatic she tries to be, the quieter she gets, and makes an annoying face when she's doing it (being emotional). Besides that, I really don't hate Brooke. I like her sometimes. I do have to strain to hear her sometimes, though.


Weird I never thought she was whispering at all. Maybe its b/c her voice is naturally raspy and that makes it seem like she is, but I never had a hard time understanding her or hearing her when you spoke.


Sophia Bush has a naturally soft, raspy voice. You want to hear annoying, intentional whispering, watch the later seasons of 90210 - Donna can drive you batty with it!
