How in the world...

Did Nathan get approved to rent an apartment? It's always bothered me that it was unrealistic for him and Haley to support themselves, but seriously, how did he get approved when he didn't have any sort of job?


Possibly b/c of his name and who he was. Dan Scoot was a big thing back then, so it wouldn't surprised me.


Sure, but legally you have to show pay stubs to prove you can pay your rent.


True but its a TV show so real life logic doesnt always apply, plus I have to figure b/c of his family name it got him alot of perks a regular person wouldnt get


He may have had some savings at some point and paid six months in advance. I personally know someone who was going through a divorce and had just left her job to care for her child with special needs and that's what she was forced to do in order to find a place to live. Then again this is a television show and it's not the farthest reach that OTH ever had by any means. I mean you think about how many teenagers lived "alone" pretty much on this series and it happens a lot on the teen shows because they won't want to limit themselves to parental guidance and rules.
