How Much Longer Would The Village Last?
Just watched this movie again last night after a few years not watched.
Just wonder how long this village community would last, especially after all the elders i.e. those who knew the outside world, had died. They had lived for something like 30 years in that state, but I’m sure in due time, the following possibilities are likely:
- there would have been some intrepid adventurer amongst them who just couldn’t be contained
- one of them got really sick/ wounded whereby the elders (if still any) knew was treatable outside
- major disease outbreak
- someone from outside would get in and expose the community to the real world
- crime/ physical altercation to major extent
- the community got too big and they had to expand
Whilst I like do the movie, the premise is just too questionable (this was discussed elsewhere), and the elders were selfish without thinking of their offspring. Like it or not, you cannot escape violence, and sooner or later, the situation in which they ran away from, will crop up in that community.
As shown, Noah did resort to violence and attempted murder. In fact, one can even argue that Noah is the product of the society living in the past, as he could have been treated in the outside world.