MovieChat Forums > The Village (2004) Discussion > Why no 'diversity' in the Village?

Why no 'diversity' in the Village?

Are they racists??


Yea. I mean, if you think about it, the village itself is behind on its time.


bECuase M night shamlan likes to be the only brown in the village


Because the movie is "set" in the 1800s. It's not because the elders were all racists, it's because Asian or African Americans would be slaves during that time. If they were shown as equal citizens it would have been very obvious what was going on.

Thor 2-Attack of the Clones-The 5th Element the trifecta of bad movies.


Well, they wouldn't have been slaves in the 19th Century in Pennsylvania (or that's very unlikely, anyway). But you're right that it would've been pretty much impossible to bring it off without ruining the illusion and the movie's twist.


People seem to think they have to find racism everywhere these days, rather than spending a few seconds thinking about what other, perfectly logical reasons might be behind it. It's getting ridiculous. The twist would've been guessed in the first five seconds if it looked like a modern, integrated community.

-There is no such word as "alot."


I agree, some people just want to throw that particular card around.

As you say there are lots of reasons as to why the village was not "diverse" enough.



From what I gather all the elders in the village had a reason for coming together so the cards may have just fallen that way.

M.Night Shyamalan is of Indian heritage so I very much doubt that was an intention and it's a little sad to see the racism thing cherry picked out of such an innocent situation.


You don’t think Indians or Pakistanis can be racist and condescending assholes? You’ve never worked in retail, have you?

That’s what you call your rhetorical question.


That was the whole point of the village. They were trying to get away from 'diversity', i.e. crime and dysfunction.


it takes guts to say that in America these days, but you are exactly right.

Look at the huge spike in violence in Sweden since they allowed 1000s of Muslim immigrants in.


Sadly true.


A lot of your "spike in violence" is white on Muslim crime. Don't lie to yourself.


They were secluded in the woods away from civilization.


MissGruntled: you are deranged if you actually believe that. Please educate yourself about swedish crime statistics. I cant even begin to express how incridibly dumb and ignorant your comment is. Shame on you!!


Who said the post you referred to was by an American? Remember, this is the WORLD wide web and many here are from nations other than the US of A (particularly the UK)




They were rich white students in the 60s who set up this village. There was no other outside influence, so there was no way for diversity.


They weren't rich, white students.[spoiler] They were members of a grief support group. The obvious answer is it would give away the twist, of course. We could just think the neighborhood group was in a majority white neighborhood if that makes the plot more realistic. [spoiler]


"They were members of a grief support group."

Ah, yes. I didn't remember that. I was remembering the group picture and thinking it was a college professor and his hippy students. Maybe it was a group therapist and his patients. It's been a while.


From what I can remember, [spoiler]they were meeting in a church and had loved ones who had been killed due to violence, so they wanted to create a violent free Utopia (only they had to use mental violence to create the physically violent free world). I think there is a lot more to this film than it is given credit for, my opinion only, of course.[spoiler]
