
I just saw a TV AD for this film and it looks great - can't wait to see it. Johnny Vegas is just so funny it's unreal.



Johnny Vegas sucks, man. I'm trying to think of a decent joke that he's made but I can't. He's a complete f*ck up.


You might not like him - but for all his drinking and occasional incomprehensibility, he's a very sincere man. Maybe it's a character flaw, but I'd trust him any day, and I think this quality makes him a good actor and comedian.

It's shocking to see how many PotC fans are unable to spell the word "eunuch".


You have to be having a laugh.
That trailer is just appalling and Jonny Vegas is the unfunniest "comedian" on television at the moment.His entire act consists of pretending to be drunk and being a fat waster,if that's classed as comedy now god help us.


I have seen this trailer and I didn't find the material not as funny as Vegas' antics on television. This might become a film I like, but not an all-time favourite, or, if the materail is that weak as seen in the trailer, a film that I will love to hate!

Andy Norton


:O omg i cant believe u r saying this, jonny vegas is one of the most funny comedians around !!!!!!!

hav none of u ever watched shooting stars ?



shooting stars is rubbish.
so is johnny vegas.
in fact almost all the british 'comedians' are rubbish.
as are most british films.
sad but true.
i am a projectionist and i have the unfortunate duty of having to watch 'Sex Lives of the Potato Men' tonight...oh joy.
then 'Man Dancin' tomorrow morning...sheesh.


Johnny Vegas on shooting stars was pathetic.His sole purpose was to sit there looking like a fat slob and pretending to be drunk,takes real comedy genius to do that right?
All most all comedians from any country are rubbish,it's only a small percentage that make anything of themselves,it's not just confined to Britain.


well, if u think he is, then ur open to ur opinion, but as for all british films being rubbish ?!?!?!?! what are you on about? what about...

lock stock,
clockwork orange,
full monty,
italian job
and of course 007


and not to mention Monty Pythons Life of Brian and Holy Grail, Get Carter (the Caine version, NOT STALLONE!), The Long Good Friday and Withnail and I.



Legendary? Classics? Notting Hill?

There speaks someone who hasn't seen enough movies...

Great British movies: A Matter Of Life And Death, Kind Hearts & Coronets, Blow Up, Performance, Withnail & I, Brief Encounter, Get Carter, Carry On Cleo.



Apparently £1,000,000 of lottery money was spent on this piece of s*hit...



This is the worst movie I have paid money to watch. Absoloutley dreadul and made with lottery funds aswell. Both Vegas and Crook will wish they never took any part in this god awful movie and I wish I had never taken any part in watching it.

