MovieChat Forums > Sex Lives of the Potato Men (2004) Discussion > Victorian Values - please step outside. ...

Victorian Values - please step outside. It's a dirty job in here!

Things I thought about the film.

1/ It was about sex, a subject that has been neglected recently.
2/ It infuriated lots of indignantly righteous people, which presumably it wanted to. "Oh dear, it rather lets the side down". But it was Marilyn Monroe who coined "Poo-poo pee choo". OK she had class, but why pretend everyone has that?
3/ I have seen worse films - from just about every film making country in the world.
4/ Hung up about sex, and guilty as charged, I knew I was NOT MEANT TO LIKE IT.
5/ It had dirty looking women in it. They may be a trend here that people are missing.
6/ There were no condoms used in the film.

I blame you lot, actually. We live in a country (UK I mean) where everyone is currently pretending that certain things just don't happen. Like this:

"Well, I have standards, and wouldn't behave like that, but IF I did, it would be totally out of character, and therefore forgivable."

GO back to the Victorian era, you middle classers. What was wrong with this film amounted to the wrong window dressing. This film tried to pull the dressing off, and you slated it.

You can pretend all you like but a little honesty is important. Otherwise it's all just webshite.



It was all right. Not a pile of *beep*. It didn't stink, or have steam rising of it. It was sex while eating fish & chips. Hmm.

I like the actors in the film from other roles inc TV. The film is a lot more controversial on imdb than it was in my town.
