what happened to subject on gov. brainwashing
i was trying to click on the thread for real gov brainwashing and it has dissapeared what happened?
sharei was trying to click on the thread for real gov brainwashing and it has dissapeared what happened?
shareYoo guessed it, it was disappeared... interested to know why??
If only Bush could have had one of these implants done instead of that obvious transmitter thing during his debate, it might have saved him some controversy... but then, was there controversy? Did anyone really care? The movie was great, extremely well done, but had one fatal flaw, which is that the FBI would have anything to do with combating this sort of activity.
Here we live in a 'Wag the Dog' reality', elections are proved to be rigged, collapsing of towers proved to be imploded, invasions based on proved false pretense, Vietnam now admitted to have been based on a fabricated gulf of Tonkin incident, tons of coke brought in by CIA and Ollie gets a TV show...
These plot lines are good for action-adventure stories, but when it happens over and over in real life, does anyone complain? Not a wit. The goal of movies like this is to warn us about the destruction of our democracy by malevolent corporate interests, and yet this is exactly the reality we live in.
But do the propagators of these crimes come forward and come clean? Does Rove admit to stealing the election, to outing Valerie Plame, of course not, because people who run corporations (which includes politicians) are by definition sociopaths bent on dominance and control. The pursuit of political and corporate power is a social Darwinist mechanism that apparently selects for the worst sociopathic liars our species can produce-- they are not like the rest of us, or we'd all be them.
The conscientious power of will that our protagonists display, collaborating to shoot the bad people despite brainwashing, is a false sign of hope. Such individuals would surely be marginalized, Wellstoned, Rathered or otherwise disappeared.
Besides the MKULTRA if you really want an eye opener go to amazon dot com and look for a book titled Hitler was a British Agent. The book was written in 2005 but it is based on the same principle as this movie. According to the author of that book hitler was programmed by the British Secret service using this exact same technique. I ordered that book because it was so outrageous and interesting at the same time.
All good information in this thread. and WTF?! The thread got deleted?! I wrote a damn long post in it about Robert Kennedy's assassination etc. :'( which by the way Italian experts have recently concluded that Sirhan did not fire the fatal shot, obviously he was just brainwashed to be the patsy, to just "be there" to take the fall.
They can't trust a mind controlled individual to get it right, they need backups to finish the job, this is even shown at the end of this film when Mr. Washington screws up totally (for them, they should have had backups like the men on the grassy gnoll and whoever fired the fatal shot at Robert Kennedy), I guess that is one way the film is unrealistic ^^. I can see this thread going bye-bye too, obviously.
I love it!!!
A thread dissappears and it just pops up again.... they can't keep everyone in the dark.
Keep posting, i'd love to see if any other 'sensitive' topics have been erased under the iron fist of 'free speech'
It's great how you can easily find info about admitted brainwashing experiments that took place in the 1950's on the web yet so many people are totally closed to the idea that it happens far more today than it ever did. With more success too.
You have to work hard not to be controlled in this day and age.
A msg board thread says the wrong thing and it dissappears... if it was a book it would no doubt be put on the burning pile.
The Posters in this thread are *beep* morons. IMDB strives to appear to have intelligent patrons, that is probably why the thread disappeared. This was a movie you idiots! Do you mental midgets understand the difference between a movie scripted with an agenda and real life? Truth is the difference, but I guess it figures that people ignorant enough to believe that the WTC was imploded and that the 2000 election was fixed (as opposed to JFK's presidential election which was fixed in Chicago) would not be able to tell reality from fantasy. Good grief, what bunch of retards!
shareYou are the moron my friend. Your reasoning skills and readiness to dismiss ideas that conflict with your world paradigms give it away.
shareI am very sorry you were upset by the suggestion that a fictional movie could possibly be based on real life happenings... How absurd
shareExcuse me? The posters ar NOT "just a bunch of retards".
You are obviously too young to remember the times when this movie was first produced, and what it was based upon.
This movie came so close to some real happenings that the 1962version, that it was quietly pulled from the theaters after its release. According to further information, "The year following its release, some American politician was slain by a sniper and the film was withdrawn from release for many years. The film was re-released in 1987."
There was obviously a lot less fantasy to this movie than we are comfortable with. And yes, updated to the "New Millenium", it does seem a bit far fetched, but that kind of thing DID go on post WWII, or at least attempts at it.You might recall an old saying that still holds true: "Just because you are paranoid does NOT mean that they are NOT out to get you~"
"You are obviously too young to remember the times when this movie was first produced, and what it was based upon."
That's the purpose of a remake, to fix a problem they let slip in the past ;)
The reason the thread disappeared is nothing close to any conspiracy theory.
It's simply that IMDB has a stupid policy of deleting threads they deem "old". I wrote about it here:
http://wiki.dandascalescu.com/essays/open_letter_to_imdb_-_please_stop _deleting_movie_message_board_threads
Actually it wasnt Washingtons character that screwed up. It was Lievs. He was suppose to stand on the second star, instead he goes around it and blocks the shot for washington. Washington continues to try and get a shot but with so many ppl he cant. Until he notices Liev looking directly at him. Liev then silently communicates that washington is to kill him. He gives a nod and then positions himself and his mom in perfect spot for the shot. Washington did everything according to plan until Liev messed it up. Even with back ups its not clear that the future president would have got shot simply because Liev switched it up and by the time anyone could have got the shot lined up there were all those ppl in the way.
sharethat's all about single person and small group mind control, what about it on a massive scale?
i just recently saw a documentary called programming the nation about subliminal messaging in advertising and other media and how prevalent it is there. I found a link to a review of the doc here: http://bitly.com/oStXrL
Apparently the subliminal messaging techniques used reach millions of people and even have an effect on people that's akin to a mild form of brainwashing, especially kids.
Not sure about hitlet, but i think its been proven enough times that Bin Laden was a CIA agent let loose.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing.
Also check out this link where this film as well as others are discussed
http://in2worlds.net/mind-control-themes-and-programming-triggers-in-m ovies
Oceania has ALWAYS been at war with East Asia!
"You idiot, that's condensation. It's on the outside!"
Evidence of a conspiracy. But I'm sure you already knew that. I came here after finding some interesting information by the Vigilant Citizen message boards