uncomplete story ?

though i like the movie very much
as it can "push" me to stand still while watching,
but the movie left me some unanswered questions
because I'm not from English speaking country,
so maybe I don't get all the subtitles meaning.

1. what does it mean the chip on the shoulder ?
as even the german scientist say something like :
"i don't know - don't want to know and you & everybody also don't"
are these meant to be that the viewer of this movie not need to know ? :)

2. what happened to those men behind the transplant project ?

3. did they finally take-out the chip on Marco's brain ?
(because Meryl can also do "the calling" to him)

anyone please ?


1. Having a chip on one's shoulder means carrying a grudge. When he said, "I don't know, you want to know" etc., he meant that having knowledge of highly secret and immoral military things can be bad for your health, so to speak ;)
2. In movieland they would have been punished. In reality they would be promoted.
3. In movieland they would have taken it out and lived happily ever after. In reality they would put some more in.

Welcome to Costco, I love you...


I still don't have any idea,
if having a chip on the shoulder
is nothing more than carrying a grudge,
why Denzel desperately want to remove the chip
from him and the candidate (his friend) which
I think can lead to the viewer, soon after the chip
was removed from their shoulder, then they are free,
can not be controlled anymore.

anyway, nice answers .. :)
thank you roell29.


Oh sorry reko, I misunderstood you question. I thought you were asking what he expression "having a chip on one's shoulder" means. As far as the actual chip in his shoulder, it seems that they both had multiple chips inside them. The one in the shoulder was probably there just so that Denzel could dramatically take a bite out of his friend in that scene in the restaurant. The actual chips that they use today (and probably almost everyone in the Western world has already been chipped, believe it or not) are microscopic (5-10 microns). The width of a human hair is 50 microns. They can be put into anything you eat or drink or inject, etc, or even delivered through a handshake. That huge chip in the movie is the size they used 50 years ago. They started doing this back in the 1950s. Basically everything in this movie is true except the reality is much, much worse. That coup actually happened in the USA in 1963 and the CIA/military industrial complex has been calling the shots ever since. Still not sure I understood your question correctly though ;)

Welcome to Costco, I love you...



This is something new. I thought it's only in the movie.
(though I heard that probably one day, -just like in the bible meant -
every human will got this "mark of the beast" which is the chip).

but as you said, it turned out already begin the chip in human ?

It seems that you were in a military before ?
it's interesting to know the "unusual" truth ...:)

I'm sorry for my confusing English....:)
and you are maybe right :
"the one in the shoulder was probably there just so that Denzel could dramatically take a bite out of his friend in that scene in the restaurant"

the chip then examined by his friend, and he failed to know
what the chip can do.

Assume that Denzel effort to remove the chip
(either from him and his friend) to make it as evidence also failed,
the movie didn;t tell what happen to the chip in further story line.

thank you roell29.

any interesting "unusual" truth ? .. :)
would love to know it.


reko, check out this youtube video. The woman being interviewed is the former health minister of Finland - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq735Z3cLWM. It's all about microchipping.

Welcome to Costco, I love you...


There is in fact something of a plot hole in that Marco (DW) only notices the impliant in his shoulder when taking a shower in New York. after he has decided to go there to talk to his scientist friend, who is exactly the person to help him with that piece of technology.

In 17 years had Marco never taken a shower before????!!!




1- the chip on the shoulder was the way the company controled the military unit. the chip was a top secret, that when any one outside the company know about it, they kill him.

2- the FBI probably hunt them down, but as the other guy said, in the real world they are the FBI, the NSA, and the president.

3- i think there is difference between shaw and marco, shaw recieved an upgrade to his brain's chip so he can recieve orders directly without the need for the shoulders chip, but i think marco didn't. and i think the glow when marco recieved the orders was a cinematic trick. maybe there was trouble with the producers of the movie who could have "manchurian" connection themselves. but it's really confusing even if you speak english, and i think it was meant to be, because even in america there are limits for freedome, with the money of the producers.
