So at the end while hypnotized or whatever (acting on their hypnotized commands)Shaw and Marco seem to disobey their commands (possibly just Shaw). How was this possible? Shaw's mother clearly explains to him that he's to go to a specific spot on the stage (She does this while Shaw is in his hypnotic state)and yet Shaw goes to the wrong spot. I don't understand how this is possible. Then Marco shoots both Shaw and his mother with one shot. He is told his assignment off screen so who knows what exactly he was told BUT I'm sure he wasn’t told to shoot both Shaw and his mother he was told to shoot the president. (This could be explained by the whole 'Shaw missing his mark thing') but if that’s the case then how was Shaw able to miss his mark?? Earlier he's being commanded to kill people (4 or so people)and he does it without blinking but all of sudden now he can disobey those commands????? Someone please help with this!
You're a disease, and I'm the cure.