MovieChat Forums > The Manchurian Candidate (2004) Discussion > More Left Wing Garbage from Hollywood

More Left Wing Garbage from Hollywood

When will those left wing freaks in Hollywood give it a rest?! What is this, the millionth movie about the horrible corporations trying to take over the world? They just had to slip in their propaganda by inventing a "Manchurian" Corporation. I'm glad I didn't waste my money of this junk.


****Left Wingers Are Good****Do You Understand?****
****Left Wingers Are Good****Do You Understand?****


Nothing "left wing" about this movie.

When will idiots like you realize that movies are made to make money, not to promote some political ideals.

Plus, do you like corporate control of the government? How is that a good thing? Right or left wing, why would corporate control over the government be good?

Plus, your post is really timely, only 8 years after the film was released...


While you are right that movies are made to make money and to entertain the audience, however there are some directors or writer's for that matter who do put their own political agenda's or beliefs into films. Some films are very subtle while other's are in your face about it. Not to mention that Hollywood is mainly liberal and that includes writer's, director's, actors and producer's.

As for this movie being liberal or left wing, you can bet your life on it.


this is a remake of a movie that says communists use mind control and that is how they are in power. left or right wing?

what is liberal in this movie? corporations profiting from war not being a good thing like what haliburton did getting themselves awarded no bid contracts that cost the tax payer more, grew the government, and provided less for the money? all due to crony capitalism, a term created by the political right. and big business having too much say in the political system is a pet peeve of who, the tea party? oh yeh, that bunch of hippy liberals. there are plenty on the political right who are against big corporations having too much say in how things work and the system being run for them just as they dont want big government. so, please, enlighten us how this movie is life bettingly left wing?

thats like when people claim gun control is a left attack on the right but ignore the fact that romney was pro gun control all his career, reagan wrote an open letter to congress asking for more gun controls etc, so then it becomes simply a matter of people on the right being defensive on an issue and just writing it off as a leftist issue so no matter what they have to say about it dont listen and dont give them any ground.

unless you can make a case how this movie is so obviously pro left, grow up. they even show what is clearly meant to be a democrat candidate being completly corrupt and bank rolled by big business and saying one thing to the public and meaning something else in private. the movie was apolitical or else theyd have gone after republican policies as it was set in the war on terror and made during a republican administration. the movie showed its political corruption thats bad, whatever side of the aisle it comes from, the people still get duped and end up with a guy who doesnt listen to them, but listens more to special interests.


Yours is one of the dumbest replies that I've ever read here. "Better to be silent and thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt." Words for you to live by....


Lmao, their reply was well thought out and provided facts. Yours was typical right wing nut job drivel with insults and nothing constructive. It's evidence that education and mental health should be a national priority, phantom_phool.


your joke reply just made me laugh so hard, thanks for cheering up my week, have a good one.


MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of dollars have been spent by our government through the years to have films made to propagate war, political ideas and values.."propoganda".. and or todays favorite term--- the narrative... one narrative would be,, the government insiders and or departments NEVER use money or film or hollywood or television outlets to "paint what they want you(us) to think" so that you/me will behave like a good little patriots/democrats/republicans/war supporters/entitlement supporters/political agenda robots... They love that narrative.. they claim that anyone or most anyone that does believe such outlandish stuff are conspiracy wacko nut jobs.. how convenient.. Just call all those with brains who think jerks and wackos..

This sort of control to lead the masses happens happens all the time.. The media outlets are the main form of mental control that the powers that be have at their disposal to "frame" the general mindset. Next in line might be the secular school system and the values that the "government" wants to make sure all of us good little sheepies think..

Even corporations influence and have movies made.. Even political departments/heads and corporations in confluence together support budgets for movies with plots they want narrated..

Because of media control through news and movies and documentaries and etc. etc. is why the general public falls basiclly in two categories.. Democrat or Republican.. It is really not two separate parties. It is actually one big party under the control of what seems to be two completely separate entities(groups) at the top of each.. But in actuality the real truth is that all the puppets that don't know this truth work for the "one" group at the top to manipulate the masses by the manipulation of this "one" party.

One of the greatest things that could ever happen is that finally a free thinking and non-sheeple party would evolve with the knowledge that we have been played like fine little violins for far too long.. Do away with the "party" and start over again and get rid of all of the corrupt political/wallstreet/Fed Bank cohort party at the top and in control and take this nation out of their control. Return it to the people.. The way it was supposed to be..






You clearly didnt watch the movie, moron.


...And about 50 years since the original movie hahahahahha!



"Plus, your post is really timely, only 8 years after the film was released..."

Why is that important?

Not everyone sees a movie when it is first released.

Is there some time limit on validity of posting about a movie based on when it's released?

And movies *are* made ostensibly to 'make money', but it's naïve to believe that some movies are not made to promote a certain political ideology.

~~ The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what fiction means ~ ~ Oscar Wilde


Maybe the existence of multiple movies about corporations striving for world domination means something real is being noticed and written about. Maybe some filmmakers have paid attention to Eisenower's 1961 warning about the dangers of the congressional-military-industrial complex.
There's that old President Ike, just another left wing freak.


I find it funny how everyone is goddamn brainwashed these days! As if corporate malice is a 'right-wing' issue! As if right-wingers don't loath the idea of corporate corruption! What is wrong with people these days?

Oh a movie about 'corporate evils' IT MUST BE LEFTIST PROPAGANDA!



"the millionth movie about the horrible corporations trying to take over the world?"

WTF are you talking about? Corporations have already taken over the world. Guess you didn't get the memo, or maybe you're just blind. Take Monsanto for instance, a corporation that is still trying to wrestle control over the entire food supply of the U.S.

The Fed Reserve bank is itself a private corporation, despite the word federal in it's name.


"the millionth movie about the horrible corporations trying to take over the world?"

WTF are you talking about? Corporations have already taken over the world. Guess you didn't get the memo, or maybe you're just blind. Take Monsanto for instance, a corporation that is still trying to wrestle control over the entire food supply of the U.S.

The Fed Reserve bank is itself a private corporation, despite the word federal in it's name.

Your example--that Monsanto is "trying" to control the sale of foodstuffs--illustrates the OP's point rather than refutes it.


You're an idiot. Or a troll. Take your pick.


Just replace "Manchurian" with "Goldman Sachs" and you got the current democrat president AND the opposing republican candidate.

Don't vote for the lesser evil.
Vote Libertarian!


Too bad one book that really exposes the start of the Fed System sounds like some scary movie monster book title..

The Creature from Jekyll Island... This one book if it could be put on the "talking heads" shows like oreilly/hannity/blitzer/ etc. etc. etc. and given the credence it deserves would do much to get the deceived followers thinking. But you no dern well these guys could not put it up there and sadly to say they probably would not because they have accepted the temptation that Christ flatly refused from the enemy. That being "the kingdoms of this world"..

Unless they truly are blinded as it is given for the majority to be, how could these guys in such positions that they are not know who runs everything.. We know they get told what they can and cannot say and propagate..

So most likely these boys have sold their soul for the kingdoms of this world(money,power,fame,mans applause.. etc. etc. etc..

If any of you reading this want to know the truth about the Privatley owned and operated Federal Reserve Bank.. Get this book,, there are audio versions as well. Don't be misled by the title. It is not some scary monster doctor gone evil story.. It is the story of the scary and devious, the liars and the decievers, the manipulators and the governors, the controllers of our country, the europeon nations, the same family ties that was responsible for 60 million christians and others murdered in the russian bolshevik revolution and the same ol boys that funded the U.S.. European nations for world war 2 and at the very same time funded germany.. Thats right.. Our so called bank, our so called greenback funded germanys war effort.. Remember when RonPaul forced the first audit on the Fed Reserve since 1913(the time of the creation of the jekyl island creature. What did we find.. lo and behold they had given nearly 4 Trillion dollars to europeon banks in the last 4 years.. WHAT you say.. They, our FEDRESERVEBANK gave away OUR 4 trillion..

PHarazon, you know this was not aimed at you. I just took advantage of your insightful message to pass on some info to that next person that has the veil removed from their eyes..


Don't even try, 99.9 percent of NASCAR / Football loving Americans don't care, or don't wanna care.


Goddamn you're all a bunch of *beep* kooks.



Goddamn you're all a bunch of *beep* kooks. -westside-surfer

"These people must be on some kind of dope!" -Bob Hope

"We got no brains, and we don't want none.
'Cause nincompoops...Ja, jolly nincompoops have ALL the fun!" -Yogi Yorgesson


Well I for one am going to read that book. And another I just got to read is Atlas Shrugged. I have no idea how I missed it all these years. Just watched Part I and II of the movie. I understand Part III just came out this month, Sept 2014.

An independent mind is difficult to enslave.
When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals.



Funny you should say that, it's local elections 2014 which will change the congress and I'm fed up with all of them. So basically I'm voting Libertarian also!!

An independent mind is difficult to enslave.


so the tea party are in favour of big business squeezing out mom and pop stores? they are in favour of dismantling the free market system? the problems caused by corporations is not a right/left issue.

the point of the free market is that you take your money and take risks, if they pay off you take the reward, if they dont you pay the penalty. that is a conservative philosophy, equal oppurtunity, not gurantees of equal results, that if you mess up you dont get put right back to the same position you fell from. so when the bush administration went down the path of bailing out wall street, they essentially picked favourites, they interfered in free market capitalism for their pals and not for others. they removed the risks and penalites that make market corrections and penalise those who mess up. true conservatives dont support corporate welfare, true conservatives dont say cut the tax for one group but leave it high on another, thats not a free and fair society, this is what a lot of the smart people of the tea party believe, they arent hippy left wingers, the ones who really care about returning to a one person one vote system and constitutional freedroms are true conservatives and anti corporate advantages, anti crony capitalism.

go look up bill moyers interview of david stockman, an honest wallstreeter, one of the few, the guy who was reagans white house chief of staff, helped set up the reagan tax cuts, an advocate of free market capitalism vs what is now in place, a true conservative, a true believer in free market economics, who is disgusted with the corporate entitlements and advantages they receive. go educate yourself on wether this is a left/right issue and stop falling for the party lines of oh just ignore anything said on this issue, it must be some whiney liberal bs, just fight them on it whatever they say and dont let them have any ground. having a democracy skewed by the wealthiest 400 citzens to favour them more than the other 300 million does not benefit conservatism, big business is able to just push more cash into growing the government, if you want small government stop the wealthy being able to pump politicians public profile with steroid levels of cash, enforce anti trust laws to stop one cabal being able to control an entire market, let the little guy have a shot which keeps up competition and leans out the business sector and cuts the fat and profiteering, stop special interests being able to lobby and have disproportionate access to the halls of power to get themselves tax dollars poured into their own coffers at inflated prices in no bid contracts. stop them taking tax money meant for the troops and the war from being poured into their own pockets uncontested for things that arent needed and dont contribute. haliburtion charging the US people 100 dollars per hamburger fed to the troops in no bid contracts becuase of their links to politics, when other companys, with true competition could have provided an equal service at half the cost, that is not free market conservatism. tax dollars are wasted through corporate corruption, the deficit was created to fund some of this stuff, corporate welfare supported by those who oppose welfare for those who really dont have any assets like stock options or real estate to sell off to provide capital, that doesnt help the right, it surrenders the moral high ground, and it loses elections.

you arent truly of the right just because you parrot the corporate sponsored line of fox news, allowing coporations to ship the jobs to india doesnt help your country, it helps that company and costs you, whatever side you stand on. less people in work, less people with disposable income, that hits everyone including the independant business owner who were once the backbone of conservative politics but are now ignored unless they can match the corporations dollar for dollar in lobbying and contributions. burying it as simply leftist stops people thinking for themselves and supporting individualism. do you really want the only place you can work to be somewhere with a name tag, with no chance to go out and start your own business because only the big dogs can get a share? do you really want to hear the death knell of entrepreneurism?

also this is a remake of a movie whos story was that communists only run countrys through brain washing, a left or right view? dont label things with your own prejudices.


wow.. I see you and I may have some differences on some other topics.. but we certainly agree on this one..

It really is at the point where it has to be dismantled and rebooted.. taking this guy or that guy out or this lobby or that is not going to get it done. Just so stinking corrupt..

As I have stated so many times.. the left and right is really just one big party and for the most part the majority of all people in our nation are governed by the manipulation of those in control of both of these partys that don't see the bull... But I do think that right now in the time of our history, the left is making a bigger headway in forwarding the "entire partys motive" than the conservative so called side.. They masterfully use ebbs and flows of the groups like little string quartets...


Exactly. Republicans, Democrats and big corporations are all part of the same hypocrisy.

One entity feeds the other and perpetuates the myth that government is for governed. This is the evil of politics. Government comes at the expense of the governed and the only ones who profit are the temporary caretakers elected to feed at the trough with their corporate bedfellows.


"Republicans, Democrats and big corporations are all part of the same hypocrisy?"
Not hardly.
Republicans want to protect the ultra rich from having to pay any taxes at all by depriving poor, hungry children of food. Limbaugh and O'Reilly each make obscenely high incomes for lying and spreading hate (Rush brings home $50 million a year. That's an awful lot of oxycontin.)Yet both begrudge the poor any government assistance at all and incessantly disparage them whether their precarious positions in life are self inflicted or not.
Now Republicans want to eliminate unemployment benefits, and Congressional Democrats are the only ones standing between this cruel, monstrous idea and it's becoming reality.
Right wingers call people who need unemployment insurance benefits "takers" and accuse them of not wanting to work but instead wanting to lie on their couches and watch TV all day and have their bills taken care of by the government.
Hey, morons: I've got a flash for you: People don't qualify for unemployment insurance benefits unless they had been working and lost their jobs through no fault of their own. And, in order to continue receiving these benefit checks, they are required to prove that they are trying their best to find new employment.
But the multimillionaire and billionaire Wall Street swine, who pay themselves obscenely high bonuses for tanking the economy, don't want to part with one penny to help those who are less fortunate than they.
Right wing Republicans also want to cut $40 billion (that's billion with a "B") from the food stamp program while their House Speaker, John Boehner, refuses to even allow a vote to increase the minimum wage. So you have married couples who are both employed full time, but they still can't afford to feed their families with their big $290 per week gross salaries.
The sociopaths on the far right refuse to acknowledge the obvious: When the government assists poor people so they can survive with some semblance of dignity, what do the poor do with the additional money? They spend it on luxuries and frivolities like food and clothing. In other words, the money goes right back into the economy and strengthens it.
On the other hand, if the mega wealthy continue to get a greater and greater percentage of this country's wealth (like, say, by paying a lower tax rate on interest income than hard working people pay on income they worked and sweated for), what do they (the ultra rich) do with the excess?
Three words: Grand Cayman Island.
Yet the tiny percentage of Americans who have net worth of, say, $100 million or more, have the angry, jealous, mean spirited, right wing public bamboozled into believing that the tax increases that we need so desperately will affect the middle, and the upper middle, class, when it would really only affect the chosen few whose fortunes could support their descendants in grand style for centuries to come.
As John Steinbeck said, "Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”
Just like the gun nuts are convinced that no rational gun safety laws should be enacted because "Obama is coming to take our guns away" when the real reason for all the anti-gun safety propaganda is that it's financed by the big gun manufacturers who are making fortunes off a product that kills 33 Americans per day each and every day of the year, more and more of whom are children.
But hey who am I to try to wake the intellectually challenged right wing from it's delusional, eternal slumber?
Brainwashing isn't easy to undo.


Oversplayer, no matter how you dice it up, you have the same revolving door of politicians fighting over the same bag of groceries, bought and paid for by the taxpayers which include the likes of Limbaugh and Hannity who definitely pay their "fair share".

Government is a gang of thieves writ large; tyranny backed up by threat of violence.

Rich Democrats are even more hypocritical than their Republican counterparts, if that's possible.


oversplayer, I always get a kick out of the Leftists saying how the RICH RIGHT don't help the poor. But they never seem to have a comeback for all the RICH LEFT HOLLYWOOD types (I won't even pick on the political, musician, or athletic types) like Moore, Penn, Babs, Oprahs, and on and on, who I haven't noticed "helping the poor" recently, by giving them anything, but more importantly by helping them MAKE THEIR OWN WAY. You'll never be able to give them out of poverty. But I guess having them spend $10 to come see your movie or blindly follow your feel-good talkshow network is at least taking their mind off their plight, right??

An independent mind is difficult to enslave.
When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals.


much of what you say i sympathise with, but the democrats, maybe they are slightly less corrupt at this point, but on the whole they are still very beholden to their benefactors, and personally i would rather not have to hold my nose and vote for the lesser of 2 evils. just look at hillary clinton, true establishment through and through, plays both sides of the fence, in public agreeing sometimes that wallstreet needs reigning in, then at fundraisers telling wallstreet they have been unfairly demonised and she shall protect them. look at the money she raised while out of office due to illness, millions of dollars straight in her war chest, but like all politicians, they are not taking that money from those donors to not listen to those donors first. that is why the donors give the money, they know she can be 'trusted' unlike an elizabeth warren who terrifies them. unless the democratic party makes a major course correction, it is not a savior if you want personal freedoms, money out of politics, equal opportunity and fair markets.

look at obama, all the things he criticised the bush administration for he then either continued or expanded, warrantless wiretapping, signature drone strikes, no bid military contracts, lobbyists running the show (why is the head of the fcc the former chief lobbyist for the cable companies? why is just about every economic advisor a former and usually future wallstreeter? obama said they would stop lobbyists working in washington, then made so many loopholes for guys they liked, and now has just dropped all pretense and quietly forgotten having said it) why is a constitutional scholar executing american citizens without even a trial in absentia? why is the fda saying they do not even know what is in the food? why are more tax loopholes being created that happen to benefit large bipartisan donors? i would have been behind obama if he had ever read his little posters with the word change on them, the idea of someone 'changing the game not just playing the old games a little better' would have been a benefit to anyone interested in returning to a functioning democracy. but that is not what happened, change on the outside, continuity on the inside.

the republican do nothing congress certainly makes everything more painful and difficult so they are certainly not an answer either, but if any candidate proposed an amendment to get money and lobbyists out of politics to get us back to government of the people for the people, or to end corporate personhood and thus at least limit the financial 'political speech' (bribes) of international corporations, as long as the candidate was not batsheet insane, they would be worth supporting on that alone, as at least it would be the first major step back towards a system where the representatives are answerable to the voters first, second and last rather than the voters being an afterthought to get to once the needs of the donors have been serviced. we have a system where in one house the candidate with more money wins 96% of the time and in the other house it is 94% of the time. whoever sells out more to big donor money, 50% of which comes from the 400 richest americans, wins, and anyone who does not obey those special interests either has no hope of reelection or never even gets to stand for office in the first place, as another more 'trustworthy' (ie agreeable to the donors) candidate is often picked to stand by the party system.

people should remember there were in fact elections in the soviet union, only before the public election, the candidates to run were picked by members of the party, so the public only got to choose from those approved of by the powerful minority. i am finding it harder to see the difference with the US system, where before we get to an election, the candidates we may choose from have been picked out for us by the donors, as only candidates 'with a reasonable chance of winning' end up on the ballot or with major press coverage or in the debates. the difference is in that by the end of the soviet union 9.7% of the population were party members and therefore part of the pre selection process, in the US im not sure how many decimal places would be needed to show the population involved in the pre selection process, i believe 400 out of 300,000,000 would be about 0.0001%? when the system is less democratic than the soviet union, we have a bigger problem than what the corporate tax rate should be.

get us back to a democracy first, then we can debate policy, right now no matter which candidate backed by most of the same people gets in, the results are basically the same with only a different letter next to the name.


to get us back to government of the people for the people

I see some hope in Dr. Ben Carson. Of course, he is trying, well the ones who want him, are trying to raise money, cause whether we like it or not, you can't do anything without money. He says he will run if the people clamor for him. And I say Yes, but they will kill him also. So we shall see. Then there is the belief, which I am being convinced of more every day, that Obama will not leave. He is now our President for Life.

An independent mind is difficult to enslave.


the belief that obama is president for life? which movie was this? that is the same crazy talk that was said about jimmy carter and bill clinton by right wing conspiracy theorists that somehow the left only claim to care about the poor to buy their support to establish dictatorship, it is lunacy. show one single example of anything one of the weakest presidents has done to over throw the entire system? and if you say recess appointments i will point out that he has made less than almost any other, the people who say that are just trying to criticise him for doing anything at all ever about anything to try and force him to sit on his hands and run out the clock, so the people saying that are usually themselves the ones only interested in personal power rather than policy.


Well, Tom, you will have to admit that he has not been like any of the other foregoing Presidents, and seems to blatantly and regularly disregard the Constitution and put America to shame before other countries. So as time is passing, I am beginning to believe that he could pull it off. Of course, it will be done in such a way that it is for our benefit, don't you know, just like every other liberty that has been encroached upon. I will keep you in mind either way: if it DOES happen, or if it DOES NOT, which I am hoping is the case. Sends cold chills to me every time just to think about it. We are definitely lost as a country if that happens.

I describe myself as fiscally conservative, socially libertarian, and a “personal responsibilitartian”. - Amy Alkon, award-winning nationally syndicated advice columnist


can you back any of this up at all? tell me some of the things he has done like no other? the patriot act and going after whistleblowers, crony capitalism, special interests, no bid government contracts, the loss of privacy, presidents declaring war without congressional approval, these are systemic problems which have been going on for decades, through multiple administrations, the trend started with allowing certain groups to pour untold money into the political system, it started with supreme court decisions at the end of the 1970s and was well under way during the reagan era, it has only gotten worse since, the problems are money bundling super pacs and dark money contributions and 'money is speech, so if i have more money i get to have more speech' instead of one man one vote.

too many people get distracted with oh if my guy gets in it will be better or its this or that person and it will all be ok if they are gone. it stops people actually doing something about the root causes, democrat or republican, obama or bush, the results are the same, money in politics and lobbyists privileged positions are the real problems, but people get bogged down bickering about which animal should be on the lapel pin of the corrupt politician in office, as if a crook wearing an elephant is better than a crook wearing a donkey.

the problems need to be addressed from the ground up, until the system of how the political power holders are influenced is repaired it makes no difference. the fact is the people benefiting from this system dont need to set up a ruler for life, the only way to have a chance of being elected is to have a ton of money which means in an election we can only pick from candidates who are sell outs who have promised to run the system for the benefit of their benefactors. one of the things that stops people really changing things is the illusion we have a choice or any influence, that things can really be different if we vote for this guy instead of that guy, when both guys are backed by a lot of the same people and either will help those same people over the rest of us. if they set up a dictator it would probably actually push people to finally stand up in numbers and lead to a system reset, the quickest way the people now in power would lose power is to give people something to seriously fight against, so sitting around talking about king obama is distraction, smoke and mirrors, it is political games to get you to support this guy against that guy, it is theatre. while you are discussing dictators you are not discussing campaign contributions and oil subsidies, which usually the people talking about dictators are just as responsible for.

i really dont feel the political games or wether this side or that side is winning this week really matters in the long run but i am still curious of the examples of what obama has done that is so groundbreaking. the idea he has the spine or the desire to be a dictator is absurd, he is completely weak, his negotiation tactic is usually to offer the other side everything they actually want from the start then ends up being negotiated even further towards their side, he barely ever fights back politically, the whole rabid paranoid hatred of obama seems to be totally pointless, he is just another bought politician like ted cruz or harry reed or mitt romney, not really any worse. i mean look at 'obamacare', the panic and hatred, oh my god its communism, the whole thing is a nonsense to score political points, the fact is the affordable care act was thought up by the heritage foundation as a market based solution to avoid having state healthcare, we all know it is a conservative proposal, we all know mitt romney implemented it while govenor, we all know most of the republicans in senate or the house today supported it during the 1990s, yet we all pretend they actually think that the thing they were in favour of as pro business suddenly became marxist once they wouldnt get the political credit for it. they know it will be popular and successful so they dont want their opponents getting credit, that is the long and the short of it, the whole making up stuff about lenin saying healthcare would lead to socialism like ben carson lied about is all nonsense fear obama and take away his power by voting for me or my team instead tripe.


this is a good story for anyone interested in a blatant example of big money in politics even if its from a guy I don't agree with mostly


If you would put a hard return after a link then it would activate it and we could click on it. Thx.

An independent mind is difficult to enslave.


you can simply copy paste into the address bar


Remind me to charge you for that extra bit of work I shouldn't have to do if you really wanted us to follow it. 😱 whine whine whine

I describe myself as fiscally conservative, socially libertarian, and a “personal responsibilitartian”. - Amy Alkon, award-winning nationally syndicated advice columnist.




Have a good night Tom. =) Love talking with you. Just haven't had time to answer your last challenge.

Maybe the hokey pokey IS what it's all about.
Borrowed from another poster somewhere.


no problem just thought that you might find that video interesting, it goes to my point that both sides have crooks, the only answer may be something like a wolfpac solution, going through the less corrupted state legislatures and changing the way the big name politicians get elected, rather than hoping the foxes will guard the chicken coop.


both sides have crooks

For sure. My Marine cousin says "they're all crooks!" However, I'm certainly leaning towards Dr. Ben Carson if he will run. Truthfully, I think it will take a MAJOR catastrophe to affect any change in the overall politics of this country. The Democrats are whiners and the Republicans are self-righteous. And they are all pretty much greedy bigots. I wouldn't say State Legislatures are less corrupted, not at least here in TX. I would like to send you an article about who is controlling a major part of this country but I don't have the link as it was sent to me by email.
An independent mind is difficult to enslave.


if you look at money out of politics groups like that wolfpac, they are already starting to win in the states, they need 2 thirds of the states to call for a constitutional convention, they intend to put in an ammendment ceasing human rights for limited liability corporations, so no religious rights or speech rights and therefore no right to donate to politicians for texaco or pizza hut, as well as insisting publicly funded elections, ie to get elected you need more people to support you based on your actions and voting record, instead of the current system where if you keep a few special donors happy they will simply swamp the news with attack ads against your opponent. texas kansas (now practically the state of koch) arizona and the carolinas have the most corrupt state governments, but even if 16 states refuse to play ball, an ammendment can be put in place that will over rule every supreme court decision that unlimited money in politics is a good thing, and congress can do nothing about it, it will go straight over their authority. we dont need a catastrophe we just need people to start making some noise that we are not just disgruntled, we wont just whine and complain but do nothing and hope a new president fixes it for us without us needing to bother, we will have our government back, it can be done peacefully and democratically, luckily most of the state houses do not hold career politicians, though the republicans about a month ago had a meeting where they thanked big donors and talked about how crucial out of state money was for keeping republicans in office, look at old mitch in kentucky, if he had to rely on support from kentucky he would be gone, almost the whole of his support is from elsewhere, some of it not even from america thanks to dark money laws which mean we dont even get to know who is bribing our representatives if it is bundled through pacs, and with multinational corporations french, japanese and venezuelan shareholders can now have a say in who is elected in america.

personally i dont trust ben carson because he says things he knows are not true if it helps push his agenda, the fake quoting lenin that social healthcare leads to communism was just one such example, even conservatives cannot pretend something that exsists in every other developed nation is akin to communism unless they also believe we lost the cold war, but far worse than that, he was for destroying for profit health insurance companies entirely and forcing them to pay for socialised catastrophic care through the government, then when he started to be wooed by the hard right he did a 180 and started attacking the affordable care act for being a road to socialism, despite it being far to the right and more pro business than his own earlier more socialist proposals. as soon as a man will say whatever he thinks the current audience will want to hear to the point of pretending to be one thing to one person and another thing to another person, it no longer matters what else he says, there is no way of trusting that he means it. if he thinks talking about money in politics will make him popular he will do it until it loses him popularity, ben carson has not even been elected yet and he already bases what he says on which answer will earn him more money and fame.

look through the rest of his history, he is a fan of affirmative action which he benefited from which came from political correctness, but in front of the right audience claims pc limits freedom and opportunity for others. put him in a room full of black donors and he would likely go back to saying the opposite once more. he was for legalising marijuana based on the medical evidence, him being an md, of it being non addictive, less harmful than alcohol and an alternative to opiate pain medication which leads to less overdose deaths, now he is trying to play a conservative teaparty darling he has about faced calling it a gateway drug because he knows what more conservatives want to hear. that is not principled. you may like something he says now but if he is not just saying what he thinks you want to hear now, he will later say he was just saying that when he wants to try and win the support of independents, before he has even run for office he is trying to get himself in the best starting point, he is a typical politician through and through, right now he is not in the establishment so his edge is throwing stones at their tent, once he is inside that tent he has shown he would be just as willing to be throwing those stones back out at us.


What I find funny about those who eat up the anti corporatist message is that many who do so fall all over themselves to support the likes of Obama, who supported the $700 billion bailout of Wall Street, and was eager to prop up the big corporation General Motors. Yeah, that's being REALLY anti-corporatist, all right.


im trying to work out what your point was? 'left wing' (though look at obama, he is further right than the conservative party of the uk, he passes a market based healthcare fix originally conceived by the conservative heritage foundation and proposed and sometimes implemented by republicans, suddenly the same people who proposed it as a conservative alternative to the public option spend years claiming it is maoist socialism now that they are not proposing it, just to make out the other guy is on the left. the us has a centre right party and a far right party, thats the reality, the us spectrum has just shifted so far to the right that if reagan ran today he would be called a socialist, denying that is denying reality, common sense conservatives from 1980 cannot find their place anymore, and anyone actually left of centre is just called communist and screamed down and attacked by the entire mainstream old media) and 'right wing' are both part of the problem so no one should do anything about it?

people are so eager to score partisan points and say hey the other side is worse, no one actually gets around to doing anything about it unless it will show up the other side. how about we try and fix whats broken, get back one man one vote and if we give welfare to anyone it be to those who are not part of the fortune 500.

or you can just be snarky about anyone actually trying to get back free markets, market corrections, massively profitable companies paying any tax rather than getting tax rebates like verizon among others, big money and professional lobbyists out of politics and just oh, i dont know, lets call it original intent.


out of curiosity are you an anarchist/libertarian?

i ask because i always wonder why such do not think that corruption would exist with no government. the other day in a conversation over ferguson someone was saying if we had no government and no police there would be no one with power to abuse, but that seems to ignore the facts of reality. there are times in history with no state backed police and even parts of the world now with such, however, in that vacuum, people do indeed take power and abuse it. only instead of them answering to the people in anyway, they are simply the private militia/security force of whom so ever can afford them. we simply return to hired guns working for the local cattle baron arresting or killing those who cause the local powerholder problems rather than going after criminals if those criminals do not affect the local power structure. private security/mercenaries/whoever is willing to pick up a weapon and use it for personal benefit/ whatever label you use, there will always be those who take what is not theirs, with or without government, with or without a state. if we can instead of abolishing government, repair it and make it answerable and responsive to our needs, the state is far better than the alternative. it does require a truly free press that is not drowned out by tamed talking heads, a vigilant citizenry and the law being applied to all no matter their station in life, but it can be done, there are functioning governments, we just have to remember a sense of duty to ones society before personal profit. which, i believe, is what anarchists and libertarians claim is innate in people, hence the belief everyone can simply get along and help each other with no law or government. if people do have the ability to put the greater good first, then government can be saved.

that is somewhat conflating the police argument i had which the other person declined to respond to and what you said, but i would be interested to hear your reasoning.


You are right as rain on all this Tom. The only thing that is wrong is that we have not all gotten together to do something about it. And it's definitely going to get a lot worse before it gets better. It has, just since you wrote this. God Help Us!!

An independent mind is difficult to enslave.
When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals.


thanks for reminding me of this conversation i saw some replies i never knew about. indeed it has, since i wrote this, not only have corporate powers not been limited, corporations have now gained religious rights, it feels like the supreme court is only interested in individual rights if said individual does not actually exist.

i love your quote by the way.


Apparently you don't know what the left wing is, but that's okay, american ignorance is nothing new. Keep thinking everything is okay, keep accepting there's nothing to see behind the curtain, nope nothing to see here, just move along, keep your head down, don't question anything...
