MovieChat Forums > Dracula 3000 (2004) Discussion > Its a rip off i feel / new idears

Its a rip off i feel / new idears

I want to start by saying i dont mean this to offend any one. I am just saying how i feel about this film. after all every film has hundreds of fanz :)

But i feel this is just jumping on the rip off bandwagon like jason X did and i bet there are hundreds of other films that think take something old and put it in space makes it good.
lol i really cant wait till the year 2015 so we can see films like

Lord of the rings 4: Return of the ring
Lord of the rings 5: the ring strikes back
lord of the rings 6: Frodo returns - and now hes pi**ed
Lord of the rings 7: attack of the clond golums
lord of the rings 8: Return to the Shire

How about these titles

Romeo and juliet in space / Romeo and juliet
TAgline: romeo was from marz and juliet was from venus but love can travel through space.

Batman 3001: Holy Warp Drive

Titanic StarShip:
tagline Rose is resirected to take a ride on the new Titanic and finds jacks great great great great great grand son (identical in every way) is on board. All is happy untill they see a metor! :/

Fight Club 3030: Tyler's revenge.

Star Wars 40000000000000000: Jedi.....oh who cares
Tagline: The new jedi Obey scoobydooby learns of the new threat made by the council of something or other. But just cant be a***d to do a dam thing about it.

Sadam In space: There not coming dont worry.
Tagline: The old leader of iraq and his minister of information are resirected dew t a threat made by the U.S.A Space cadets to take down there terrisim ways yet sadam listens to The information minister when he says "they aint no where near us, its fine"

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang warp drive: CHittys new engin.

Freddy krugger 3032: In space no one can hear you sleep.
NOTE: You SOOOOOO know that is really coming soon :(

Kevin and perry go Space Age!

lol okay thats it lol what do you think fo them? any ones you would like to see? or has any one any idears?

P.s i am sorry for my spelling but i wrote it in a hurry and i didnt have chance to proof read :) x

This message was done in the best possible of taste :) x


How about you take your head out of your ass. LotR, Fight Club, and R+J are both based on specific, worldwide-loved books, ergo any attempt to add sequels would be met with critical disdain that has only rarely been seen.


Um okay at what point didnt you rearlise i was jokeing? Didnt lord of the rings in space Give you a hint? Hmmm OR Romeo and juilet in space?...I think your the one that needs to take your head out ur **** and open your eyes Pally ;)

This message was done in the best possible of taste :) x


Holy waste of bandwidth Batman!


Lord of The Rings in Space rules...

How about Hannibal in Space? Hannibal Lecter enters a cryogenic chamber somewhere, and wakes up in the year 3000, wher everyone is cannibal. He is then hunted down by Clarice Starling's greatgreatgreatgreatgrand daughter, who is a FBI cannibal agent. He becomes a hero, cos since everyone else is cannibal, he starts to eat normal food, doing the opposite normal people do.


Lol cool one :D
Hannibal: No longer a canibal it could be called lol good one matey :)

or how about Cast Away among the stars: Castaway with om hanks but this time hes an astranaught (bad spelling i think) and he gets cast away on a planet!?

This message was done in the best possible of taste :) x


Oh well, this is true, however the original story of Dracula is also quite specific, worldwide-loved and so......I get the point and it was meant as a joke, and a good one too! *LOL*


Wow this was not funny at all. And you might want to check your spelling A LOT.


WOW your so not clever and WOW your spelling aint so good either Check out some of your posts too! There is a good reason my spelling wasn’t up to scratch but you aren’t going to visit this Message board again so Why bother: D
P.s there was only 1 or 2 spelling mistakes and one i had said sorry for! Maby read the full post next time yeah? :)
This message was done in the best possible of taste :) x


dude; thats good stuff there... do you work in film?....if not your wasting good have a better imagination that anyone doing stuff in hollywood right now....
good luck?


Lol why thank you! Im working on the new summer block buster called

The Poseidon Star Adventure 303030 ;)
This message was done in the best possible of taste :) x



How about 'honey, I shrunk Frankensteins monster'... oh, in ', 4000'



Tremors in Space?



How about Clerks 2099. They're in the future... and in space... and they still don't like you... in space.


I thinq ther woz a hell of a lot mor than 2 speling mistakes...

Anyway heres some other titles I'd like to see:

Debbie does Venus
'In space, no-one can here you cum' - sorry!

Pop Idols In Space
The vacuum would provide a lovely barrier so we could not hear these bstrds

Jurrasic Spacestation
'Attack of the weightless Velocoraptors'

Bridget Jones - In space
Best place for her.
In space, no-one can hear you complain.


every time i read a thread on IMDB it makes me realize there are REALLY that many lonely losers out there on the internet.

they can't take jokes - and they check your spelling.

i bet you guys get laid about as often as the rest of us see haleys commet.


Totally. I'm always gutted that the posts are full of prats that are too busy with childish banter than actual opinions on the film that this post is supposed to be about. Take it elsewhere, this started out as a real opinion about the film, I'm not reading this crap anymore, it's full of kids.


Sorry, forgot that we all had to be serious. I mean the film itself is an important piece of filmography. I'm sure that everyone involved in this title would be upset that we'd be poking fun a the concept of Dracula being in Space. I mean I heard that Abraham Stoker himself regretted not getting the time to write any sequels involving his cheeky chappy turning up in unusual locations.
I'll let you's get on with your serious important opinions.


Smokey and the Bandit 4000
Tagline:The Bandit's Back but this time in SPACE


Die Hard 3
Die with Asphyxiation

Asteroid De Galle

Office in Space

Around the world in 80 spaceships

The Spaceman and King Arthur (er, oh...)
