MovieChat Forums > Dracula 3000 (2004) Discussion > I'm beside myself with...

I'm beside myself with...

Look, I don't know where to begin with this movie.

Alright, yes I do.

Complete waste of film, time, and money.

Alot of what's on my mind has been said before, but I'd like to highlight a few points. Please excuse me if this all comes off as being a little undercooked - my opinion, that is. And it's just an opinion. But please, if you disagree with me, and you actually liked this movie, don't talk to me. I've got nothing but love. But this movie -sucked-.

'Kay. Vampires. In space. No, I like the idea. I can even live with it being Dracula. Wait - not Dracula, that's "Count Orlock."

Because, you see, Count Orlock is the character's name. Not Dracula. Well, they call him Dracula, too. But it's 'this Orlock dude'.

I'm sure many of you already know this, but the classic film "Nosferatu" was based on Stoker's Dracula novel. Simple. However, when Nosferatu was made, they were unable to secure the rights to the Dracula character - so they came up with a new name. Perfectly reasonable. That name? Count Orlock. So that speaks for itself.

But I have some more mundane complaints. Like the dialogue, for instance.

The black characters - Hum-V and 187 - were the most detestably stereotypical brothers I have ever seen in my life. It brought back memories of ... oh, wait, I don't have those memories. I blocked them out.

You know what? I'm not gonna go on with this. Really. You can read the reviews here on IMDB, and then decide whether you want to watch the movie.

And sincerely, I hope you enjoy it. But I did not.


I thought the special effects in the movie "Nosferatu" (1922) were much better technically than this Dracula version.

