MovieChat Forums > Dracula 3000 (2004) Discussion > most actively stereotyping movie in a wh...

most actively stereotyping movie in a while

This may be an overused phrase but: This was the worst movie I've ever seen. The premise was promising but there was hardly any plot development, and the characters were just horrible. The only reason I kept watching was to see if the film would somehow redeem itself, somewhere. It didn't.

Worst of all, the black characters were the most racist portrayals I've seen in a long while (certainly within dramas). Of the two black guys in the cast one is a dumb, manual labor guy - who Casper describes as "black and ugly." The other one is constantly talking about how he uses drugs. Both of them sexually assault white women, one verbally the other physically. This is juxtaposed with the white guys in the crew who are the ones to figure things out. Whomever wrote this (Droot) has problems.


Watch the movie "Crash". There is a scene where a character played by Tony Danza has a little "talk" with a black guy too make sure the character portrayed in a TV show talks with ebonic tones to make himself sound a little more ignorant and a little less intelligent. Tony Danza's character basically implies to the guy to change it or you will be "replaced".

Sometimes I wonder if some white guy tells a black guy to sound like a savage to add to the steriotype.


Man this was bad.
i didnt think it was possible to make a crappy ass movie like this.
Anyone that hated this movie i agree with.
Worst Movie EVER ihope it is destroyed.
it actually made me feel stupid just by watching it.

I agree, both the black characters seemed stupid and slightly weird.
First of all you dont run around talkin about your drug use.
why would anyone actually want that in a movie.
And the other black character has to play a barbaric odd person.

The one thing i hated and despised the most was the ending.

Im a pleasure bot.?


What do you expect? This movie was directed and written by white South Africans and filmed with white South Africans in mind. Racism and stereotypes aren't just a way of life for's a birthright. And it's a damn shame when this and Space Mutiny are the pinnacles of white South African cinema....actually, it isn't.


End Hypocrisy...Increase tolerance...shoot a fanboy today.

