Can't believe how freakin' lame this movie was. What on Earth made the writer, the director, the producer, the actors and anybody else tell themselves "This is good. Let's go with this," after having read the manuscript, is totally beyond me! I so hope that it's making was part of a bet or something. One of the things I really enjoyed was the fact that humanity, in the year 3000 my friends, still use good old fashioned guns. Is there actually any movies worse than this one?



The story was crap, the special fx were completely crap and the ending was unbearable crap.

Crap, crap, craaaaap!


My friend and I were on the brink of tears with laughter watching this. It's so bad that it's almost Plan 9 good/bad.


He he, also think that the genre of this movie should seriously be changed. "Comedy" is probably the best choice cos' it's definetly not a horror-movie. And what's going on with the missing nudity scene which seems to be a must in crappy flicks like this one?


"My friend and I were on the brink of tears with laughter watching this. It's so bad that it's almost Plan 9 good/bad."

plan 9 was a bagillion times better.



Someone asked for a worse movie? Try Alexander, the Oliver Stone variety. Nothing worse than a film trying to be good, but turn into utter crapola!



Someone asked for a worse movie? Try Alexander, the Oliver Stone variety. Nothing worse than a film trying to be good, but turn into utter crapola!

You are right - there is nothing worse than trying to sell a product with big name actors & budget - then going to see it in the movie theater and feeling like a complete sucker for having bought into the idea that you would be entertained. I just can't believe there are writers / directors / producers out there that get paid so much $$$$$$$$$$$ for this.


He he, just tricked one of my friends into actually buyin' this piece of sh!t :)

"So, Lone Starr, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb."


ive been loking for afilm like this for 30 years

They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
