MovieChat Forums > Dracula 3000 (2004) Discussion > What could make me watch this again!

What could make me watch this again!

I'm being dead serious here guys. If I could somehow get a version with directors comment on, I would seriously watch this crapfest of the millenia again. Just to hear his instiration, and his thoughs about his "film".

"Well we wanted to make it as bad as possible, to make I more horrifing"

"We wanted to set it approx. 1000 years in the future, and still show how little humanity had progress (old guns, wheelchairs, raceissues), to make people think themselves a whole world in their imagination how this could come to be".

"People like plottwist..... we just gave them what they wanted. NOBODY expeted her to be a pleasurebot, clever eh!"

"The script doesn't tie together to add to suspence. They audience NEVER knows what could happen then, making them sit on the edge of their sit the whole movie through"

What!? The land of the free?! Whoever told you that is your ENEMY!


I'm enjoying the crapfest right now on SciFi... dear god... why did SciFi have to to do this to everyone.

Fist in the Air in the Land of Hypocrisy!


It's still more interesting than the Olympics.


I only caught about 15 minutes of this on Sci Fi late last night, but enjoyed how bad it was. The acting / script lines alone are bad, but seeing the set (probably some water management building in Orange County) was really funny.


This film was utter bs... I was fooled by the hrgigerish DVD cover :( I still can't believe why I rented this crap for 4 eur. And what's Udo Kier doing in this film!? He delivered the best performance and for a second I did believe in the film... only for a second.

"In this scene I wanted to appeal the vast rap community out there so I made this Coolio dude talk like a true 90's ghetto-boy. I myself couldn't eiter get my eyes out of her chest!"

"Satellites. I like satellites. Why not make this supermodern ship look like a big satellite! Or better yet, MIR space station!"

The ending...? Don't get me started...
