I think everyone should see this movie
in fact, this movie should be shown in schools. Just to teach people how not to make a film.Darrell Roodt should have beed guttered for making this film.
This is THE worst film* EVER
Why? I will tell you why,
[spoiler thingamoob]
Coolio was the best actor.
Everyone was dressed like misunderstood yanqueedo youth in 1998
exept the stupid "scientist" who looked like he came from the 1980's
Outdated guns and gear, even for 2004
A non existing plot
The scenes inspired by the old C&C game Red Alert (Movie clips of the old man with the phony accent)
Dracula? Where?
Van Hellsing? Where?
There you have it.. Or perhaps you got something else to add..
*wait.. did I say film? I ment SHIIITE
"Nobody likes a smartass"