MovieChat Forums > Dracula 3000 (2004) Discussion > Can you rate a movie with ZERO stars on ...

Can you rate a movie with ZERO stars on IMDB ?

Well, it should be possible, 'cause this one is a Nr.1 candidate... Nevertheless, just watch it, for as long as you can, just to be happy with the fact that things can always get worse then your own miserable life...

ZER(0) stars for 'Dracula 3000'


For some reason (I ain't guilty guv'nor, honest mate!!)I have had this DVD delivered to me via my rental company and I am not certain whether to watch it or douse it in Holy Water!

Is it truly that dreadful or are you a bunch of joyless people with no sense of fun?

Don't worry, I think I know the answer, I will get the Holy Water.....

Edit....OMG! I am speechless.....

If you love Satan and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!
