MovieChat Forums > Dracula 3000 (2004) Discussion > Was this really set in the year 3000???

Was this really set in the year 3000???

This movie is worse than horrible. It's so bad you can't even laugh, even though I did and you should. Did anyone notice how in 1000 years from now, they still have tv's with a freaking vcr on top of it. VCR's and 27" crt tv's will still be used 1000 years from now. Also they will still be using conventional firearms and not advanced 'laser type' weapons. The professor is in a wheelchair and not a hover craft though one would hope there would be treatments for disabilities like that by then. And finally of course there was no real ending, it was truly the worst ending of a movie I have ever seen. Me and my brother were like WTF. It's a good thing I didn't pay money to see this as I got it from the library.

0/10 is a true reflection of how bad this 'thing' was.


They should revoke your library card! Read a book next time. ;=)

You're right of course. I wouldn't even put this movie in 2005 never mind 1000 years from now. You didn't even mention the flags from the USSR.

What was that? The Soviets were in space less than 30 years. In a 1000 years will there be much memorabilia from a less than 80 year history? I don't think so.

I think the producers raided an Army/Navy store for the props. I don't know where they got the balsa wood coffins.


Yea, I nothiced the VCR and the CRT tv in the lounge of that spaceship.
This movie was so stupid that it was funny.
Your right the ending sucked, and that was the worst ending that I have ever seen too.



Anyone else notice the fact that when one of the crew members is injured they just lay him down on a pool table or something somewhere. Are we to believe that this "intergalactic" cruiser doesn't even have a sick bay?

And whats with "Intergalactic travel anyway I mean considering how fast the star trek ships are portrayed as being able to go and the fact that they only reach "quadrants" of the Milky Way instead of other galaxies...? The ship in this movie hardly looks see worthy let alone ready for intergalactic travel.

Why do the vampires attack the crew of the salvage ship if they are receiving the passage to earth they wanted from the beginning? It just seems retroactive to me.

If the coffins aren't discovered until later in the film and Dracula made flesh at that point who is skulking around the corridors when the first girl goes in alone at the beginning?

If the captain sets the self destruct sequence before he some how ties both of his arms to a chair why does it only go off 50 years later? Only after the crew of the salvage ship has spent lengthy amounts of time running from the vampires and delivering bad lines of dialogue.

Why can't "Vice Captain" Aurora Ash pilot the ship away from the star?

Whats a vice captain?

How will they kill the vampires with sunlight if their are no windows on the ship? Why bother with this anyway since Dracula was so easily deposed to begin with?

I could go on and on but why bother. All I can say is that this is honestly the worst vampire film and worst horror film I have ever watched and I've seen some real schlock over the years.

Damn you sci-fi channel!
