MovieChat Forums > Dracula 3000 (2004) Discussion > I Love the Fact That...

I Love the Fact That...

In the year 3000, religion has been outlawed and nobody remembers what a crucifix is, but they still understand 20th-century pop-culture references (Leatherface, the Bionic Woman, etc.)

"Little do they know how little I know about the little there is to know." - Neddy Seagoon


I love the fact that in the year 3000 theres a 1990s tv with a vhs player in a spaceship.


All that's wrong with it is what makes it great! It's also proof that anything can be made and distributed. Wish I had their resources to get a pic made. I wrote a good/bad slasher called Switchblade that will prob never get made -weeping- and this pic got green lighted! Is there no justice!!? Rest assured though that by 3000 this one will still be on the "good" bad list. (Gotta plug my work) Ahem-hem. Switchblade scripts on the internet if anyone wants to peep it out and tell me it sucks. Think you can google Switchblade Michael McCormick and find it. Shameless plug I know but its a bitch getting these read lol. Coolio rocked by the way,
