MovieChat Forums > Dracula 3000 (2004) Discussion > Are there any movies like this?

Are there any movies like this?

I think this movie is unique in terms of its stupidity and comedy. Not to say i didnt enjoy it but i like cos its bad. What im askin is if anyone knows any movies like this (being very bad but funny).


I'm a little late on the draw answering your question, but YES.
I know of a few that are just as entertainingly lame as DRACULA 3000.

SKELETON MAN - You can find this winner at Walmart in their $5.00 bin and it's worth it's weight in comedy gold. And it also stars Casper Van Dien as well.

TAILSTING - Giant scorpions on an inept and hilarious as they come.

There are more, but those will have you rolling, I promise.


"Her name ain't Precious." ~ PAPER MOON


*lol* yeah, but Skeleton Man was a lot funnier than this one - I'll have to rent that one again some day if I don't find it on a second hand outlet of my rental store one of these days ;) Although the ending dragged it down a bit ...

Tail Sting was funny, too - glad I am not the only one who feels that way.

I personally would add Cellar Dweller and Chillers (three episodes told by people waiting for the bus)

there are so many, the 80's was full of trashy horror movies that me keel over with laughter - unfortunately with the arrival of the DVD they all vanished from the the rental stores ...

"Why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe?" - "Because it's dull, you twit, it'll hurt more"



how can you say this about Skeleton Man????????? That is the best movie in history!!!!


I second Skeleton Man. That movie is amazingly bad, but also there's real effort going into it. There's a certain charm when you have a hilariously bad movie where everyone's trying, like Plan 9 and Troll 2. Something that isn't present in a movie like Gingerdead Man where the writing is bad, the story is bad, the acting is bad, and no one cares.




Life force is a great film!


I totally agree with that statement and I would like to see a modern remake of that story utilizing all the technological advancements of movie-making today. When I first saw Life Force I thought those space vampire monsters at the beginning of the movie(inside the space ship) to be the coolest thing since Alien! If only they would have capitalized on that alien horror premise instead of turning it into a psychological detective thriller with horror bits....oh well, at least we got some gratuitous frontal nudity, unlike todays films!


Picard melting away always cracks me up. I do appreciate the full frontal, especially the bush. Not too much bush these days... Man, that chick was hot.


I actually thought it was decent for one of these kind of movies, certainly a step above the usual "Sci-Fi Original Movie", anyway, I'd recommend Jason X for a similar movie.


Jason X?


I havent watched this, but when I read the description, the first thing that came to mind was Jason X, its such a stupid concept that could work for every classic horror character, next thing we will have Scream In Space, the tagline would be, "In space, no one can hear you scream!" , lawls!


Nolo_king, if you want excellent, (Albiet at times intentionally funny horror flicks)I suggest:
"Black Sheep" (2006)
"Hatchet" (2006)
"Slither" (2006)

"The Lost Skeleton Of Cadavera" (2001)-Which btw, there's supposed to be a sequel out this year sometime in May called "The Lost Skeleton Returns Again"-which I'm sure will also be a tongue in cheek satire/parody of 50's-70's SciFi Horror Films.

As for an 'A' grade comedy horrof movie, if you like things like "Shaun Of The Dead", then I suggest the under-rated, well acted & written flick "Fido" (2006)

If I think of others..because I watch a LOT of stuff and that's what's on the top of the pile.
Love, Grace & Peace, Gunner

My Miskatonic U. Teacher reanimated your Honor Roll student!


Fido is an awesome movie. As for dumb space movies (assuming you want space movies)there is Spaceship (aka naked Space) and Leprechaun 4. As far as vampire films are concerned, we have Vamp and She Lives By Night, which are certainly on no one's top ten list unless they love really bad movies.

There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls. -George Carlin


You might like THE LEXX

McDonagh, Tarantino, Rodriguez, Ritchie, Leone, Stone


'teeth' maybe




Dream Warrior, for one.

Cover that has nothing to do with the movie - check
No plot to speak of - check
Decent actors who must have been blackmailed into this - check
Direction worthy of a public horsewhipping - check
