I watch plenty of comedies that get poor reviews and have poor ratings on IMDB, although not usually as low as this.
I love the Vacation films, even Vegas Vacation. Is there any chance I'll like this? Is it really as bad as people are making out? Has anyone at all enjoyed it?
I think I'll actually have to give it a miss despite the fact that I own the other Vacation films on DVD.
It doesn't belong in the same galaxy as the real vacation movies. This flick was just horrid. I love Christmas movies, but this movie just reaks to high hell. Randy Quaid is an excellent actor IMO, but without "clark" there to compliment his quirky-ness, Cousin Eddie just doesn't seem funny.
The previous poster's right, it doesn't belong with the proper Vacation movies at all. Even Vegas Vacation, despite being made a lot later than the others still follows basically the same formula and brings back all the important original cast members. Therefore in my eyes it qualifies as a Vacation movie.
This movie just plain sucks. The plot is weak and extremely boring and the whole thing reeks of cheapness. I'm reminded particularly of a boat scene with a shark - awful! I had to watch this out of curiosity so if you're the same watch it once, but unless you're an idiot you won't make the same mistake again, I'm pretty sure about that.
Sure it wasn't all that original, but I enjoyed seeing these characters again, and I'm glad Matty Simmons was involved in this production too. I saw this the other night and it was alot of fun. Randy Quaid's Cousin Eddie character is one of the funniest things about the Vacation movies and he was great here.
I think this is fast becoming a new subgenre of films-when a franchise is revived ten or more years after the last entry in the series. We're seeing the new ROCKY entry later this year, and even a new RAMBO next year. And there's the forever-in-preproduction INDIANA JONES entry. This entry in the VACATION series qualifies for this "subgenre". The first example I can think of this type of film is probably the last Hope and Crosby "Road" movie (ROAD TO HONG KONG).
Yes, it's really THAT bad. Ever heard the saying: "No one is completely worthless... they can always serve as a bad example"? Well, this movie sets a new standard for the bad example in filmdom. I just cringed at every forced gag and joke in this movie, hoping that it would somehow redeem itself and become funny. It didn't. It almost seemed like the film was written, directed and edited by 12 year olds. I couldn't believe that the producers had the gall to market this film as a sequel to the original. If this all sounds like sour grapes, it is. My wife wasted $10 on the DVD.
Maybe because I watched this for free on the telly leaves me thinking this was an okay film to watch. It isn't in anyway to be considered a retail production that should cost you money outside of ye olde english tv license fee!
it is the worst thing u will ever see!!! i would rather have a root canal. i know thats a cliche but its true. its a waste of ur life. you will be dumber for watching it
The Pirate Movie Ghoulies 1,2,3,4 ... however many there were They Live! Speed Speed 2 Caddyshack 2 Wagons East! The Next Karate Kid (Hilary Swank Trainwreck)