The Mon's Affairs...

Did anyone else feel that it was inappropriate that Bernard shared all the information about his wife's affairs with the children? Throughout the movie I just wanted to ring both of the parent's necks for telling their kids so much information that they DID NOT NEED TO KNOW. Maybe they would have found out down the line some, but that doesn't seem like something to share with your kids while they are going through a divorce/separation...

Peace and Love


I agree. I just watched it but I thought the mom was way too candid about giving away that info. She didn't seem to have any remorse over it either. I totally sympathized with Walt over how pissed he was at her. She was such a hippocrite for criticising Bernard for having Lili move in with him.


They didn't need to know that was kind of the point.


I agree with you. As someone else posted, that is a point the movie is perhaps trying to make: that the kids don't need to know all this.

I liked the movie. But I think it would have been even better if the parents hadn't been quite so indiscriminate about sharing all that information. That way I could have sympathized with them better. They could have still been flawed people who had done some bad things. But as it was, at times they seemed liked such pathetic messed-up adults that I found it difficult to sympathize.
