MovieChat Forums > The Jacket (2005) Discussion > Yeah... so this is what I noticed

Yeah... so this is what I noticed

When I saw this back in 2007 I liked this movie very much. It puzzled me, what was really going on? Last week I saw Jacob's Ladder again and I saw many things in that movie that were also in The Jacket. I still like The Jacket, but now I think this movie isn't intentionally puzzling.

I haven't seen it myself, but the alternative ending for The Jacket is a shot of Jack dead on a stretcher in Iraq. That ending tells me: Jacob's Ladder. The whole movie is the time between being wounded and dying (or for the spirital: between dying and going to heaven). If it's so simple, why's the movie so confusing? My guess: the producers didn't like the final cut. It was recut or something and a happy ending was put in. Tadaaah...

It don't think it is a total rip-off of Jacob's Ladder, but it was heavily inspired by it and I think an homage would be a good description. The scene where Jack has a tear flowing down over his face when he 'wakes' up in Iraq is an exact copy of a scene from Jacob's Ladder.

But..... like I said: it's puzzling and many people have many interpretations. Here are my thoughts/thing that I noticed. Please feel free to post your thoughts.

-The movie has 3 timelines: a soldier in Iraq (1991), a mental patient (1992) and the 'future' (2007). All are the same person: Jack Starks? Is it coincidental that Becker treated 3 patients with the jacket?

-Noticed that when the nurse asks in Alpine Grove what Jack and MacKenzie are talking about she only looks at Mackenzie? Like Jack's not there?

-Is Jackie alive? What if she killed herself and she crosses paths with Jack, both 'wandering'?

-Did Jack imagine Jackie? Is she his 'female' companion, a ideal woman he would have liked to have known in his life?

-What's up with everybody helping? Jack helps the Iraq-kid, helps Babek. Jackie helps Jack. Jack helps Jean? Sounds like something Jesus would do... oh wait, Jack's birthdate: dec. 25th

-What's up with the Ted Casey story? "I caught him stealing looks at a girl and her mother" Jackie and Jean? Is Jack Ted? I hope not...

What if MacKenzie, the 'copkiller' and Jack are all the same person?

-What if he didn't die in Iraq, but really did die in Vermont lying beside the road? He was 27 the first time: Iraq. The second time: Vermont?

Anyway, I guess I'm more confused now than before. Lemme know your thoughts.

"They call it a change-over. And no one in the audience has any idea".


I actually had this movie all figured out, but I haven't seen it in such a long time, that I forgot my explanation. It all makes sense once you piece everything together. And it's quite heart-warming.

But for the record.

Jack dead on a stretcher in Iraq.

Coalition Troops in the Gulf War only fought in Kuwait, I believe. Unless I'm mistaken.

Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to overdose on marijuana... though many have tried.


If you think about it, it's just like "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" if interpreted one way. Possibly its a throwback to it?


Interesting points. I was wondering about Ted too. And the three patients, three graves..It was just strange how so many things were said and then never addressed again, I felt I missed something huge. The whole, 'we're all haunting you' scene was a bit strange..maybe that's a clue.. Maybe it has something to do with reincarnation? I'm talking out of my butt, I should probably watch this again. After seeing it I just assumed it was a Jacob's Ladder remake but I would love to hear some alternate theories.

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And what was up with that green cord the Stranger was waiving around at the bar at the end of the movie? Did anyone else notice that Mackenzie had the same thing wrapped around his finger when he saw Jack laying on the ice?

"Do not touch - Willie" Hmm...Good advice.


"And what was up with that green cord the Stranger was waiving around at the bar at the end of the movie? "

I didnt notice.. maybe dogtags??
