We have all the time in the world
Love this movie, give it ten stars, watch it over and over again and can't stop listening the spooky version of "We Have All the Time in the World" (from the David Arnold score "Shaken and Stirred" and played with the end credits...) but I totally agree with other posters. This movie remains me "Brazil", "Jacob's Ladder", "Total Recall" (the guy's not dead in that one, but all it's a machine dream...), "Open Your Eyes" (is the guy dead, is he dreaming?), "Carnival of Souls", etc. etc. etc. No time travel nor regressions of any kind (in fact, in Latin America this movie was titled "Regression of a Dead Man"). For me is clear the character was dead and all was an illusion, a dream, a mirage (don't known how really named it...)
For me the jacket is the coroner's sack, a shroud if you prefer, but I understood this as a punishment. Dont forget he's a soldier. Maybe at the end of his life he felt guilty (war, kills, destruction) so a nice way to "clean his consciousness" is to "think" (imagine in his case...) he had done something beautiful, like save a mom and a girl.
At the end the female character ask "How much time we have". When we´re dead, "we have all the time in the world", as the song says.
A beautiful, beautiful, but very sad movie.
"There's nothing wrong with your mind set. You're just a moron"