MovieChat Forums > The Jacket (2005) Discussion > Feels like a melange of movies

Feels like a melange of movies

The Butterfly Effect + One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest + K-Pax + Jacob's Ladder + Altered States = a dramatically unsatisfying mess. It's also has similarities to The Machinist and Fetching Cody, which came out around the same time, plus a weird precursor to The Time Traveler's Wife.

And the Volkswagon Beetle signifying that Mom got her crap together was a little too, I don't know, on the nose or trite.


You forgot "Somewhere In Time" as well!
Yeah... This film was a strange hodgepodge of various films. But I didn't think it was all that bad. The acting was good... Some cool effects... It might help if you found this film at your local Dollar Tree. I found my DVD copy there, for 1 buck. Had I paid more for it, I might grumble.

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?


i guess you can say the same about shakspear's plays, paolo coelio's novels, the bible, the quran, lao zi's dao de jing, probably the whole world. this time i'm literally throwing my pearls to a boar.
