Loop? *spoilers*

Okay so I just watched 'The Jacket' for the first time yesterday. I guess it was a pretty decent movie but I was expecting a much darker ending. The one thing that really hit me whilst watching the movie was the parts when Jack (the main character) is in the future and he speaks to the female doctor.

When he spoke to the female doctor, she told him that his uncle (which was really Jack himself) helped her cure the disabled kids sickness.

Now bare with me. Looking at this, doesn't it mean that Jack had already gone into the future before, gained the information, and then told the doctor and is now doing it all over again?

Hopefully I made sense. I've realised that this movie has A LOT of plot holes.


Well, look at it as a timeline. Jack's "jacket wearing" present is A. Him talking to the doctor about his "uncle" is C. When he went "back" and told her about how to help the kid, that was event B. Even though his A self didn't know the correct information as he headed to event C, to the doctor's C self, B had already happened. I hope that makes sense.

~ j'adore faire l'amour ~


I see where you're going with this, but the thing that stills gets me is how would Jack have told the doctor about how to help the kid if he hadn't visited event C yet? We know that 'A' had no idea until he went to 'C' and then he told the doctor in event 'B'; however, what doesn't make sense is for the doctor to know about event 'B', wouldn't have event 'C' already happened once and is now happening all over again?


Because his A self remembered visiting event C, so he could tell her the information like he did in event B. In reality (to the doctor), it went A, B, C, but to Jack, it went A, C, A, B. The doctor didn't travel through time with him. As far as she was aware, the events were linear, so by the time C happened, B and A had already happened in the "regular" order.

~ j'adore faire l'amour ~


man, iv read the above a few times and my head hurts.

seems simple enough. event C should be impossible watching in order...how can he have told her things in the past that would help her!? answer: by going back to A and telling her.

but the fact that shes been told these things by jack by the time we first see event C would indicate he's already been back and told her!

what if he didnt go back to A and tell her? C would just get wiped out!?


A simple explanation is that the doctor figured out the cure for the kid without Jack's help but just later in time. However, once Jack told her what he learned from the future, the doctored found the cure earlier
