While others seem to think that this* is merely one possibility, there's really only one way the details of the plot can play out logically: *He's been dead since the beginning. None of it's real, nor refers to anything that ever was real in the character's life. I wish it could be otherwise, because this strikes me as a cheap way to wrap up a mess that can't be untangled any other way. The concept of "It's all a dream" , (whether a sleeping dream or a dying dream), has been done to death, (pun intended), & might've been ok the first time, but no more. Even once, it's an easy way out of truly tying up all the loose ends in a story. Good performances had me caring about the characters, only to find out that none of them were ever real, except one, and he's dead! Dreams are ok, but wake up! THE SECOND SPOILER ALERT: (Same goes for Jacob's ladder!)