On May 1st....

When the boys show up at school on the last day... how come the parking lot is empty? Obviously the director was filming on a weekend. But for realism sake, shouldn't he have filled it with vehicles? This was supposedly a large school on a weekday?
Outside of that.. it was a damn fine flick.


Maybe they were at the school early...I really don't know. For one, I didn't really notice that it was empty.


Lol, I didn't notice that. X3



Same thought crossed my mind too. I don't think they were just there really early, cause for one it said it was like 8:51 or something on the screen (something like that) on their way to school. 2, early or not you'd think somebody 9a janitor maybe?) would notice a couple guys walking through the halls carrying a bunch of guns. But maybe not, who knows. Didn't the security cameras say it was like 10:30, 10:45 or so while they were shooting? Ahh, not a big deal ultimately, I'm sure it can be explained somehow. Good movie either way.



i feel bad for giggling


They weren't in the school parking lot. They parked across the street from the school near some field


My take is that the part of the parking you can see in the tape is where the busses let people off. Where I went to high school, nobody could park in the busses drop off / pick up area. You never see the entire parking lot so i don't think it takes away from the movie at all.

I'm just too stubborn to ever be governed by enforced insanity....Bobby D.
