Favorite Quotes

"It rocked the ass, you rocked the ass."


Cal: "Andre is naked. I think I'm gonna see him now."
Cal's friend:(to the camera) "I'm the gay one!"


I was laughing all the way throught the prom scene, it reminded me so much of me and my friends lol.


You wanna touch it, Cal? Go on, touch my box.


"That's why we're the Army of Two- not the group of *beep* with guns!" -Andre


i adore the entire burning of the stuff scene! where andre teases cal about his gorgeousness! and cal in the graveyard "i'm not gonna show him!" :)


Cal: "We're going to leave you all behind, just sticks in the mud that Andre and I have made, we're gunna walk away."

Cal: "Don't feel guilty about this."
Andre: "No it's not your fault we love you."

Andre: "I mean who wants to think that their son their student their classmate their peer their employee, is going to do something like that."
