Does anybody know anything at all about DVD plans or a DVD date?

"Revenge is a dish best served cold."


It gets released in arthouses this fall and a DVD release is planned for next year.


The DVD/video release date is April 5, 2005 from Home Vision Entertainment, and will include the trailer, director and cast commentary, making of the crosses, a making-of featurette and other goodies


Thank you! It seems as if they were trying to torture me for not seeing it in theaters.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold."


The BBFC have classified this with an 18 rating today, in preparation for a forthcoming UK release. It has been compulsorily cut by 3m 18s: A cut was required to remove a detailed description of building explosive devices and avoiding capture. Cuts made in accordance with BBFC Guidelines and Policy and the Video Recordings Act 1984.


It is available on VOD outside the US here: http://indiemondo.com/zero-day/
