Pipe Bombs

Has anyone noticed that they don't use any of the pipe bombs they make in the movie?



i think the point was to emulate the columbine shooting - where pipebombs were used ALOT. and i think this movie attempts to mimick the basement tapes. Also, you only see what is supposed to be a small part of the "attack"...


in fact it seems like Cal is Dylan and Andre is Eric... although they have had some....changes, lol. And at the end they seem to switch roles.


the sort of switch in personalities actually did happen in the library. eric got quiet and reserved whereas Dylan was taunting people/shouting.


That's actually what happened at Columbine.

Eric was quiet, stone, taunted some people but did it in a calm voice.

Dylan was loud obnoxious insane felt the adrenaline pumping and yelled the most and had "the time of his life".


I assumed they used them offscreen.

The reason they weren't show could have been due to budget, censorship or pacing.


I was also disappointed that they didn't use those exploding shotgun shells


I'd say there are two main reasons why they didn't use them.

1. The shooting scene was filmed in an actual college library building. Using the pipebombs would have almost certainly meant damaging the interior of the library and the property within and would have also been a major fire hazard.

2. Even if they had shot it on a set, keep in mind that all of the actors in that scene except for the dispatcher were teenagers. It would simply have been too much of a safety issue to have them working with live IEDs.

Now I suppose they could have used CGI, but keep in mind that this was a low-budget film and also this was filmed in 2003, not exactly the golden age of CGI, and we can spot modern CGI effects even now.

Just imagine that they used them during the time between when they entered the building and when they next showed up in the lobby.

Oh and by the way, I also noticed the "personality shift" in that scene, and trust me, Ben Coccio knew what he was doing with that, since like the other person said that's how it happened in the actual CHS library.
