Weak Motives... Not suicidal
Did anyone else find that these two kids had nearly no motives at all before attacking the school? I mean... They don't really say ANYTHING about why they were going to go on a killing spree until the end when they say on tape they had their feelings hurt a few times by other kids in the school (or something like that) which happens to like... every normal kid in highschool at one time or another
And second... Why do they commit suicide? These kids in no way were suicidal, depressed or had any sort of mental illness that would cause them to take their own lives... If they had'nt mentioned they knew they were going to kill themselves before the shooting even happened, it would have been more realistic because after doing what they just did, they may feel like its the only way out.
Cal especially seems to loom over killing himself such as when he mentions coming out of the school in a plastic bag... Kids like this would just flat out surrender or decide not to shoot themselves in the end (like Andre nearly did... I kinda hoped he was going to decide against it to make things interesting)
Was it just some sort of stupid millitaristic mind set of a "suicide mission" or what? It was just confusing and not very convincing
The shooters at Columbine were suicidal but for reason. Even before the shooting they had issues with their mental state and were previously considered to be suicidal which made it make more sense that they would kill themselves afterwords
If anyone wants to add input/opinions, feel free to do so... Also, on a side-note. I was also dissapointed that we didnt get to see them use the pipe bombs after they showed how they made them and all