MovieChat Forums > Zero Day (2004) Discussion > Best film focusing on the issue of schoo...

Best film focusing on the issue of school shooting since Home Room.

Notice I said Home Room and not Elephant. Why? Well, because this film and Home Room actually deconstructed the issue. Sure, they both examined polar opposite aspects of it (victim to killer) but they actually had a POINT. Elephant was just well-shot, well-acted exploitative garbage. No value in watching it, whatsoever.

The way they portrayed the tragic climax was heartbreaking, terrifying and worryingly realistic. A lot of people mentioned how out of place the ending was, but I thought it was the perfect way to end it. Perplexing and controversial and I'm sure it was included to provoke thought and meaning from the viewer.

While not exactly enjoyable to watch, this film is one of the most haunting, well-made pieces of art I've ever seen. Thank you Netflix and PS3!


Completely agree 100%. What I thought was great about this film, in contrast to similar ones, was that it didn't paint these two guys as anything other than your average run-of-the-mill loners.

As I watched, I kept thinking, "I know guys just like this". You know, the kind of guys who are into guns and blowing stuff up for fun. Introverted but still good people.

That's what makes this film so different from others. It doesn't excuse their behavior and paint them as tragic figures forced into darkness, but it doesn't demonize them by showing them as insane under-educated lunatics.

Columbine WAS a wake-up call to America. It showed our country that not every killer is that way because they're insane, or come from an abusive household, or whatever.

Sometimes people are just different. There's no way to anticipate it, and if they're secretive about their feelings (as Cal and Andre were, or Dylan And Eric) there's nothing you can do to see it coming or stop it. And that's what the truly chilling thing is about this film. Those boys were always going to have their zero day, and no one could have stopped it.

"I'm gonna kill him, rape him, and eat his costume!"


I didn't care for Home Room that much. Felt it meandered too much.

This movie WAS good, but I liked State's Evidence better.


Zero Day came before Home Room.
